MCTI creates ordinance that establishes production process for BESS

Text defines schedules and rules for lithium and sodium ion battery production
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MCTI cria portaria que estabelece processo de produção para BESS
Ordinance establishes procedures for battery production in the country. Photo: ABSAE/Disclosure

O Federal government, through the MCTI (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations) and the MDIC (Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services) established the Interministerial Ordinance No. 54, which establishes the Basic Production Process for BESS (Electrical Energy Storage System in Batteries), as well as standards for the development of these products, through scores that will be obtained according to compliance with the steps established by the ministry.

To establish the production process, the MCTI considered that BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) integrates a storage system of electrical energy in batteries, consisting of: a bank of lead or lithium batteries, a Battery Monitoring System (BMS, Battery Management System), a Power Conversion System (PCS), a Power Management System (EMS , Energy Management System), and additional components for air conditioning and fire safety.

The categorized products are batteries of ions lead and those of ions lithium. For each production stage completed, the company receives a score, with the total number of points being 1,207 for both. However, the annual score is different for each one.

To the scores they are categorized per year: from 2024 to 2025; 2026 to 2027 and 2028 onwards. See below.

Annex 3 of the MDIC/MCTI Interministerial Ordinance No. 54, dated 05/03/2024. Source: MCTI/Reproduction

Guidelines highlighted by the MCTI ordinance

According to document, The punctuation will only be given if the project meets the specifications, norms and standards established by Brazilian legislation. 

You Law Suit also need to have happened exclusively in Brazil It is executed per technical who have proof of performance of activities, in addition they must be residents and domiciled in Brazil, in addition to complying with specific MCTI Ordinances.

A second stage refers to annexes I and II of the schedule that addresses investments in RD&IA (Research, Development and Additional Innovation), worth 20 points for each 1% invested, limited to 60 points, according to the publication

O investment should be applied to projects of national interest for areas of information and communication technologies considered priorities by CATI (Information Technology Area Committee).

A proof of investment in RD&IA must be presented together with the descriptive report. The text considers as application in RD&IA activities of the calendar year the expenses that correspond to the execution of activities carried out until March 31 of the subsequent year.

To the other steps refer to the development of battery production processes.

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Picture of Viviane Lucio
Viviane Lucio
Journalist graduated from UNIP (Universidade Paulista) and specialist in scientific journalism from Unicamp (Universidade Estadual de Campinas). He has experience in producing news, reports, photography, communications and press consultancy.

2 Responses

  1. In the early 2000s, the Federal Government implemented a PPB in the IT segment, which enabled the Brazilian industry to become independent in the process of industrialization of computers and other equipment, attracting the main global players.
    It is high time that initiatives like this are implemented to serve the Solar Energy sector, placing our country on another level on the world stage.
    We have the structure and capacity, we just lack incentives, strategic vision and predictability to guarantee the necessary investments.

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