Carbon Market could add R$ 2.8 trillion to Brazilian GDP by 2030

Study shows that market regulation will also help the country reduce C02 emissions by 50% in the period
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Mercado de Carbono poderá somar R$ 2,8 trilhões ao PIB brasileiro até 2030
Photo: Pixabay

O Bill which is in proceedings in Congress and you want regulate the Carbon Market in Brazil may, If it is approved and becomes law, generate approximately eight million new jobs and add R$ 2.8 trillion to GDP national (Gross Domestic Product) until 2030. 

This is main conclusion of a study carried out by Brazil Climate, Forests and Agriculture Coalition, which also highlights that the postponement of text approval in Brasília (DF) not only delays the development of this market, as reduces the country's chances of complying with the agreement signed with other nations to reduce toxic gas emissions by 50% by the end of the decade. 

“Brazil will host the United Nations Climate Conference in two years, and it would be coherent for our Carbon Market to be regulated and bringing good results to the country”, assesses Paulo Bertolini, general director of APCER Brasil, a certification body of Portuguese origin. with global operations.

Bertolini adds that the regulation brings more security to traders and consumers Brazilians. “If it is a country or company that needs to buy carbon credits, it is much more logical to choose to purchase from a country with a regulated market, as this provides the guarantee that in order to be commercialized, the credits have undergone rigorous evaluations.” 

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For Rita Ferrão, president of ABCARBON (Brazilian Carbon and Methane Credit Association), the regulation of this market can make Brazil a green power.

“There are several reasons why some countries may face difficulties in achieving their environmental goals, such as economic challenges, dependence on fossil fuels, deficient policies and governance, technological and infrastructure difficulties, socioeconomic and demographic pressures”, he commented. 

Two weeks ago, the Solar Channel also published a report with a CCS Brazil study which basically concluded that the The carbon market in Brazil will only develop if it undergoes regulations and receives incentives. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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