Carbon credit market is in the process of being regulated in Brazil

Bill 528/21 is being processed in the Chamber of Deputies and aims to structure the regulated carbon market in the country
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Launched in November 2022, the BNDES program seeks to encourage projects that generate carbon credits. Photo: Disclosure

Despite the Paris Climate Agreement regulating the global carbon market, in Brazil, it is being processed Chamber of Deputies O PL 528/21 which aims to structure the regulated market and voluntary market, with the appropriate legal structures, governance, guidelines, principles and deadlines, in order to provide trading of greenhouse gas emissions rights (DEGEEs), but not the offsets.

Already the Decree No. 11,075/22 establishes procedures for the preparation of Sectoral Climate Change Mitigation Plans and established the National System for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, but does not detail governance and control procedures and guidelines.

While awaiting the legal bases of the regulated market, the voluntary carbon market is a reality. According to the lawyer Nailia Aguado Ribeiro Franco, from the Corporate Department of Andersen Ballão Advocacia (ABA), the benefits of this market go beyond the environmental aspect.

“In addition to the environmental benefit, there is the possibility of generating 8.5 million jobs and moving between US$ 493 million and US$ 100 billion by 2050, according to WayCarbon estimates”, he points out.

Furthermore, with Brazil's entry into this market, the greenhouse gas reduction target, which is 37% by 2025 under the terms of the Paris Agreement, would become a little more realistic, in line with UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 13 (Action Against Global Climate Change).

Meanwhile, the program BNDES Carbon Credits, launched in November 2022, seeks to stimulate credit-generating projects, in an official and safe way.

And who can act in the voluntary carbon credit market, while there is no definition of the regulated carbon market in Brazil?

Both Brazilian and foreign companies can take advantage of this market, seeking partnerships to facilitate reforestation projects, reconstruction of native forests and the sustainable exploitation of forests.

“It is necessary to be updated on ongoing projects involving the carbon market and carbon capture and storage initiatives, whether in the regulated or voluntary market. And it is extremely important that these organizations look for reliable partners who are in tune with the context of their company's sustainability”, explains the lawyer.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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