Solar energy market in 2022: what to expect?

Aldo Solar results in 2021 indicate some paths for next year
painéis solares fotovoltaicos
In 2021, a significant number of solar energy generators were sold. Photo: Elements

This is not just another end of the year. After so much uncertainty caused by the pandemic, 2021 is coming to an end while returning vitality to the world. The year proved to be a ray of hope, the first beams of sun after the storm. 

Around the world, several cities have already put masks aside thanks to the advancement of vaccination. I finally see people going to parks and socializing safely again. It is in this climate of first steps out of the darkness that I can announce my hopes for 2022.

Now, even with the long journey ahead, 2021 has brought a boost that supports optimistic expectations. One of the proofs of this is the approval of PL 5829 for the creation of the GD Legal Framework, which was approved in the Chamber of Deputies and which now goes to President Jair Bolsonaro for sanction.

This is an important victory for the sector, for the diversification of the Brazilian energy matrix and for the environment.

In addition to this achievement, it is worth highlighting the significant number of solar energy generators sold during the year. A milestone that impressed Brazil, and of course, brought enormous pride to me and the entire Aldo Solar team.

To talk about new goals, initially, I need to tell you a little about our history. Between 2016 and 2020, we sold 100,000 solar energy generators. This resulted in 1.2GW. In 2021, this brand gained another 100 thousand generators. In total, they were 210 thousand generators sold by Aldo in 2021.

Our 210 thousand solar energy generators sold are equivalent to an approximate power of 1.98GW and more than 5.4 million solar panels distributed throughout the country. Thus, the photovoltaic energy generated by this power prevented more than 2 thousand tons of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere.

Furthermore, I followed studies that revealed that for every ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, 7.14 trees need to be planted. All this so that the planet does not suffer the damage caused by this emission. Therefore, our numbers correspond to more than 14 thousand trees planted.

With such impressive numbers, I feel very proud to say that Aldo Solar has achieved leadership. Our operations today include 30% share of the distributed generation market.

Still in 2021, now talking about revenue, we closed the year with R$ 3 billion. Each number and each step along this journey contributed to the solar energy market reaching 4 GW.

It is with all this in mind that I share with you my expectations for the solar energy market in 2022. Looking at this history of so much evolution, I cannot expect anything other than even better numbers for society and the planet. 

We hope to generate another 2 GW in solar panels, It is 2.5 GW in inverters in 2022. In other words, in sales numbers, I estimate that we will reach a sum of over 100 thousand generators sold. Therefore, the year should close with the milestone of around 310 thousand generators, and a total of 8 GW.

In this sense, our revenue target also became bolder. Our team awaits earn more R$ 6 billion in 2022.

Do you know who shares my optimism? Gustavo Kuerten, known as Guga, our partner and ambassador for Aldo Solar. It's not new that Guga celebrates every victory for solar energy in Brazil.

In a video message sent to everyone at Aldo Solar, Guga filled us with energy: “At the end of the year, it's time to celebrate achievements and especially thank our more than 13 thousand partners and collaborators! Let’s continue in 2022 with everything, maintaining this positive energy.”

Well... the milestones reached in 2021 were incredible, and this was only possible thanks to the partners and customers we gained on the journey.

I especially want to thank the large family of 13 thousand resellers and installers, and of course, the consumers who believe in solar energy. It is these people who drive Aldo Solar to continue exceeding goals. 

Let's continue giving reasons to believe in solar energy in Brazil. And here’s to 2022, so we can celebrate even more growth, in addition to celebrating the 40th anniversary of Aldo Solar’s founding!


The opinions and information presented are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Canal Solar.

Picture of Aldo Teixeira
Aldo Teixeira
Founder of photovoltaic equipment distributor Aldo Solar, based in Maringá (PR). He has worked in the solar sector for years, with experience in management and sales.

2 Responses

  1. I'm building a shed for artisanal baking; some machines, ovens, heaters, greenhouses and cold cameras, more energy, lamps and counters for service…downstairs with showers, bathtub, air conditioning and lamps for the house, hallways and backyard…

  2. Very proud to have participated with an infinite part of this achievement. I graduated in Maringá, a model city for Brazil. It just might work!!!!

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