Global floating solar market could double by 2031

Wood Mackenzie indicates that at least 15 countries should exceed 500 MW in installations in the coming years
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Mercado global de energia solar flutuante pode dobrar até 2031
Floating solar power plant consists of the installation of photovoltaic systems operating on the surface of the water. Photo: Disclosure/Lightsource BP

O global market in solar energy floating should exceed the 6 GW of installed power until 2031, point out estimates published by Wood Mackenzie, one of the most renowned research and consultancy companies in the world.

According to the study, the advancement of floating solar plants, consists of photovoltaic system installations operating on the water surface, occurs because of large number of projects under development and who are seeking alternative solutions to overcome the market's difficulties in meeting the growing demand for clean energy sources.

The analysis of the Wood Mackenzie indicates that the segment should also advance according to development costs of projects are become more competitive.

At the moment, you projects with this technology total around 3.4 GW across the planet, of which approximately 90% (3 GW) meet installed in Asia-Pacific region, with emphasis on countries such as China, South Korea, Indonesia, India and Thailand. 

With almost 150MW in installed projects, the Europe and the second largest market in the world in the segment. The region is led by the Netherlands, which is the country with the largest installed capacity outside of Asia. 

A forecast is that at least 15 countries surpassed the mark 500MW of accumulated floating solar energy installations until 2031. During this eight-year period, the technology must also present a growth stable, with a rate of evolution annual 15%. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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