PV market: companies invest in purchasing equipment

According to companies, Law 14,300 and the increase in electricity bills will make solar grow in 2022
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Empresas do setor solar esperam grande faturamento em 2022.
Companies in the photovoltaic sector expect large revenues in 2022. Photo: Mega Solar/Disclosure

After publication of the Law 14,300, many Brazilian companies are already envisioning a more heated market in the solar energy sector for 2022 and purchasing equipment to meet their customers' expectations and keep their stock full of products.

Leandro Martins, president of Ecori Solar Energy, explains that the expectation is that the national market will multiply its growth in relation to 2021. “We are poised for 150% growth in 2022, thanks to several disruptive products we are adding to our portfolio, such as QT2D and DS3D microinverters, from APsystems, and other manufacturers”, he commented. 

Roberto Caurim, CEO of Bluesun, believes that the expected growth for the sector this year is also due to a combination of factors. In addition to the creation of the DG Legal Framework (distributed generation), it draws attention to the cost of electricity, which tends to continue rising in 2022.

“The photovoltaic market tends to grow a lot this year. Bluesun intensified its purchases and programming with internal and external suppliers and boosted the sale of at least 300 MW this year. It will be an excellent year with a lot of expansion for the photovoltaic market. You can believe it,” said the executive. 

Among integrators, the impression is the same: that the source has everything to grow like at no other time in history. Recent projections, for example, indicate that Brazil should end 2022 with almost 25 GW of installed capacity in solar energy, which would represent a growth of more than 90% in relation to the country's current numbers, which today have just over 13 GW.

Geovani Magalhães, CEO of GSE Group, says that he intends to double the company's revenue in 2022. “We invested in infrastructure, storage and approval of outsourced teams. We also bought a company that is approved by Cemig (Minas Gerais Energy Company) and accredited to carry out network works”, he said. 

“Our plan is to double revenue in relation to 2021 and to achieve this we had to make many decisions so that we could meet demands. Our investments were made in all sectors: administrative, financial and tax. We also made stock and made contacts with new suppliers”, concluded Magalhães. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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