Minas Gerais opens two more solar plants in the state

Named Astolfo Dutra and Aurora, the two projects add up to 6 MWh of generation capacity
Astolfo Dutra and Aurora together have a generation capacity of 6 MWh.

The State of Minas Gerais inaugurated two more solar plants this week in the municipality of Cataguases (MG). The plants belong to the group Energisa, which has 23 plants in 10 other Brazilian states.

Named Astolfo Dutra and Aurora, the two solar plants together have a generation capacity of 6 MWh. The works totaled R$ 25 million in investments and will help the region stop emitting 394 thousand tons of greenhouse gases per year. 

The incentive is within the target assumed by Minas Gerais during the COP 26 in Glasgow, in 2021. Currently, the state leads the ranking of photovoltaic energy generation in Brazil, being responsible for 18% of all installed power in the country. 

The governor of Minas Gerais, Romeu Zema, emphasized Minas's leadership among the states with the highest generation of clean energy. According to him, sustainable energy is fundamental for the future and all exports begin to require environmental scrutiny: 

“Developed countries will stop importing products when these items are not produced by a renewable energy matrix. We are taking another step today with this environmental viability in Minas Gerais”, stated the governor. 


Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

2 Responses

  1. We want to implement a mini generation project, on urban land we own in the State of Goias, in the metropolitan region of Goiania, and we would like to talk to you about this matter…

    My name is Victor… phone 062 9 8186 1068…

    We await contact

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