MME presents public policies and measures to improve legal frameworks

Suggestions aim to ensure investments, strengthen the market and improve services and prices for Brazilians
3 minute(s) of reading
09-12-22-canal-solar-MME apresenta políticas públicas e medidas para melhorar marcos legais
At the event, Sachsida reinforced the importance of IMME's proposals. Photo: Bruno Spada

IMME (Minas e Energia Market Initiative) delivered, this Thursday (08) in Brasília (DF), 26 public policies and measures to improve Brazilian legal frameworks.

These are normative instruments necessary to improve allocative efficiency and private investment in Brazil, offering better services, prices and opportunities to Brazilians.

The proposals were debated between the MME (Ministry of Mines and Energy), regulatory agencies and around 250 representatives of associations and companies in the electricity, mining, oil, natural gas and biofuels sectors.

“It is necessary to follow what IMME points out to further strengthen these markets, making them more consistent and predictable, to the benefit, mainly, of the consumer”, said Adolfo Sachsida, Minister of Mines and Energy.

In the assessment of Hailton Madureira, executive secretary of the MME, all IMME recommendations are essential for the country to advance in these areas and take advantage of the resources that only Brazil has.

“There is no country in the world that has sun like Brazil has, wind like Brazil has, water, gas and minerals. There is no other nation with these characteristics. Now we have everything to move forward”, he highlighted.

Electrical sector

Among the measures presented to the electricity sector are the report and the draft ordinance for Market Opening for Low Voltage Consumers, residential and rural class.

According to the MME, the measure gives autonomy to the consumer, who can manage their preferences, opting for products that better meet their consumption profile, such as the times when they need to consume more energy.

The proposed text for the Bill No. 414/2021, Modernization of the Electrical Sector, and the normative ordinance that improves the suitability of the Special Incentive Regime for REIDI (Infrastructure Development) for short-term transmission projects were also proposed.

It was also recommended to modernize the Decree No. 5,597/2005, which provides access to the Basic Network for Free Consumers and Self-Producers, and a proposal for a Bill and Amendment to the Constitution to reduce and rationalize subsidies from the CDE (Energy Development Account).

Another important suggestion is the incorporation of improvements resulting from the Public Consultation No. 120/2022 for planning Isolated Systems and improvements for upcoming auctions.

If implemented, the Authority stated that the measure will promote competition and renewable solutions in the Amazon, make information on the effective cost of generation in each location accessible, in addition to providing increased predictability and reduced tariffs.

Some IMME actions are already in force, such as the Normative Ordinances No. 50/2022, which deals with the Opening of the Market for High Voltage Consumers, and that of No. 53/2022, of including transmission improvements in Priority Projects for Debentures.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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