Photovoltaic module is left off Gecex’s revocation list

The absence of revocations resulted from the engagement of professionals and companies with Gecex
CanalSolar Módulo fotovoltaico fica de fora da lista de revogação da Gecex
The publication did not bring revocations of photovoltaic modules. Photo: Disclosure

O Gecex (Management Committee of the Foreign Trade Chamber) published this week in the DOU (Official Gazette of the Union) the Gecex Resolution No. 522/2023, which revoked several ex-tariffs approved by the federal government. The publication did not bring revocations of photovoltaic modules.

This absence of revocations of solar panels resulted from the actions and conversations of experts with the MDIC (Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services) and Camex (Chamber of Foreign Trade) so that revocations of ex-tariffs for photovoltaic modules were not deliberated in the  207th Ordinary Meeting of the Executive Management Committee, which took place on September 19th.

The Secretary of Industry and Commerce of the INEL (National Institute of Clean Energy), Wladimir Janousek, highlighted the importance of the participation and collaboration of executives and companies in the segment in the information that was presented to the ministries, in addition to the engagement of the entire sector around this common agenda.

“It was a lot of work, something positive for the sector. Now it’s time to maintain this engagement in the sector so we can take the next steps”, he assessed.

Heber Galarce, president of INEL, evaluated the fact of no revocations as something positive for the solar market. “INEL thanks vice-president Geraldo Alckmin and his entire team, for all the attention dedicated to this issue, which is extremely important for the solar energy sector. We also thank our secretary of industry and commerce, Wladimir Janousek, for leading the work with several of the sector's main executives. We need a fair transition, which maintains investments and projects already underway, generating more jobs and income”, he commented.

“This indicates that the federal government is more cautious in analyzing the revocation requests that were contested by our members and [is] careful that the evaluation of these requests is not done untimely, which could harm and make solar energy more expensive for the Brazilian population”, assessed Rodrigo Sauaia, president of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy).

Galarce also pointed out that the maintenance of photovoltaic modules in the ex-tariff regime provides stability to investors and contributes to the continued growth of the solar energy industry in Brazil.

“This development is essential to strengthen the country’s position in the global clean energy market. With the support of committed leaders and organizations like INEL, Brazil is moving towards a more sustainable and energy-efficient future”, he added.

One of the meetings to discuss the topic was held on September 5th. On the occasion, the vice-president and minister Geraldo Alckmin participated; Márcio Elias Rosa, Executive Secretary of the Government; Marcela Carvalho, executive secretary at Camex; Rodrigo Rollemberg, Secretary of Green Economy; Uallace Moreira, Secretary of Industrial Development; Heber Galarce, president of INEL; Wladimir Janousek, Secretary of Industry and Commerce at INEL; Priscila Carazzatto, director of Rel Gov; Renata Reges, administrative secretary; Gustavo Vajda, general manager of Recurrent Energy; Guilherme Brasil, chairman of the board – ENEL Green Power; Wellington Borges, head of Supply chain Brazil – Atlas Renewable Energy; Edmond Farhat, CEO of Rio Alto Energias Renováveis; Sérgio Lucas, CEO of Bel Energy; Nuno Verças, CEO of Aldo; Maykow Torres, CEO of Fortlev Solar; Mario Viana, Commercial and Marketing Director at Sou Energy; Marcel Peralta, director of Canadian Solar MSS; João Neves, advisor/partner at RZK; and Carlos Toledo, CEO of Sol Azul.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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