AE Solar modules have SMART technology that prevents hot spots

There is a double benefit to this manufacturer's technology: more energy generated and greater safety in PV systems that receive shadows
Módulos da AE Solar possuem tecnologia SMART que previne o hot spot
According to the manufacturer, the technology is aimed at systems implemented in large urban centers

The manufacturer AE Solar It has SMART technology in its modules. The feature uses a bypass diode in each photovoltaic cell, which prevents the occurrence of hotspots and maximizes energy generation in the event of shading.

“With the use of SMART technology we are able to optimize energy generation at the cell level. Each cell guarantees its energy generation; It is a product with added value, a little more expensive, but it is worth it for this specific application”, highlighted Ramon Nuche, general director of AE Solar in Brazil. 

According to Nuche, the technology is aimed at systems implemented in large urban centers. Furthermore, the equipment increases the safety of the photovoltaic system, avoiding hot pots (hot spots) due to overheating.

Usually, a solar panel has about three bypass diodes inside the junction box. The devices divert electrical current from shaded cells and at the same time prevent the occurrence of overheating of these cells, a problem that occurs when part or just some cells of the modules are shaded. 

The existence of a greater number of bypass diodes in AE Solar modules increases immunity against shadows and practically eliminates the possibility of overheating. There is a double benefit to this technology: more energy generated and greater safety in PV systems that receive shade.

AE Solar works with Thunder line monocrystalline modules with power from 385 W to 400 W and maximum efficiency of 21.3%. And with the Eclipse Ultra Black line of monocrystalline panels with up to 400 W of power and efficiency of up to 21.3%.

Another innovative advantage of AE Solar products is the technology that prevents counterfeiting. “All of our products have an anti-piracy system using an NFC (Near Field Communication) electronic chip. With an AE Solar application on their cell phone, the customer can identify whether this product is, in fact, an original product”, added Nuche.

Understand more about AE Solar's technology and the hot spot problem clicking here.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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