MRV saves R$ 1 million using solar energy and data intelligence

Value was achieved with the energy generated by UFV Arquelau, in Minas Gerais
MRV Bahia plant. Photo: Disclosure

MRV&CO, a holding company in the construction sector, saved more than R$ 1 million during 2022 with the use of photovoltaic solar energy.

The savings include gains in the company's construction, offices and stores. The company has already saved more than R$ 5 million on electricity bills.

Part of this savings came through the energy generated by the Arquelau photovoltaic plant, located in Uberaba (MG), with an annual generation potential of 1,125 MWh and in operation since 2020.

Another portion of the amount comes from the internal development of an intelligent energy management platform. The tool seeks, among other objectives, to automatically apportion energy credits generated by the company's photovoltaic plant, using optimization algorithms.

The platform uses scraping algorithms – a technique that allows the acquisition of large amounts of data in a short time, thus allowing analyzes and studies for the development of artificial intelligence models – to carry out automated reading of all the company's energy invoices throughout Brazil .

In April 2022, the company opened its second plant, in Bahia, with annual generation potential of 489.7 MWh.

“We believe that photovoltaic solar energy will have an increasingly strategic role both for the company and for society as a whole, with the aim of achieving economic, social and environmental development goals”, says Raphael Lafetá, executive director of Institutional Relations and Sustainability .

Since 2017, the group has been supplying the majority of its new developments with photovoltaic systems to meet the energy demand of the common areas of the condominiums.

Lafetá also highlights that the expectation is that the company will be able to predict the energy and water consumption of all its works at the beginning of 2023, reinforcing the company's commitments to sustainable development and ESG.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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