MS received R$ 45 million in resources to finance solar projects

FCO financed the implementation of photovoltaic systems in 16 cities in Mato Grosso do Sul
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The FCO (Constitutional Financing Fund for the Central West) financed, from January to December 10, 2020, more than R$ 45 million in the implementation of photovoltaic solar energy generation systems in 16 municipalities in Mato Grosso do Sul.

“Fostering the use of renewable sources by business and rural enterprises is a strategic line of the state government in the sustainable development policy of Mato Grosso do Sul. Hence, the importance of enabling this access through financing energy generation systems solar”, highlighted Jaime Verruck, secretary of Semagro (Secretary of Environment, Economic Development, Production and Family Agriculture).

Verruck also stated that, together with Imasul (Mato Grosso do Sul Environmental Institute), the environmental licensing process for photovoltaic generation projects has been improved. “The solar source has a very small environmental impact and we work to speed up the licensing process”, he added.

The projects approved by the fund during this period met demands from the cities of Bela Vista, Campo Grande, Corumbá, Deodápolis, Glória de Dourados, Itaquiraí, Jaraguari, Laguna Carapã, Maracaju, Mundo Novo, Novo Horizonte, Sidrolândia, Paraíso das Águas, Ponta Porã, Rio Brilhante and Terenos.

According to Pasta, one of the photovoltaic systems built this year and financed with FCO resources is the Cassems plant (Caixa de Assistência dos Servidores de Mato Grosso do Sul), of 5.7 MW – considered the largest in the Center-West. In total, 16,290 solar modules were installed in an area of six hectares.

The plant, which included an investment of R$ 19 million, increases the volume of renewable generation in the state and will meet the electricity demand of units in the health plan's own network, except for Três Lagoas. It is estimated that it will provide savings of R$ 227 million over 20 years.

“It is an example of a project that has practically no environmental impact, but with very great potential for MS and Brazil due to the long period of sunshine we have. It adds to the clean energy matrix, a sector that has been developing very strongly in the state and is very well regarded in terms of environmental issues”, stated André Borges, CEO of Imasul.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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