Changing the address of a residence loses the acquired right?

Bernardo Marangon, director of Exata Energia, answered this question in the Canal Solar webinar
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Mudança de endereço de uma residência perde o direito adquirido?
Photo: Reproduction/Elysia Energia Solar

The publication of Law 14,300 still generates countless debates in the solar energy sector, with some professionals and consumers claiming that current compensation rules are much less advantageous for the market G.D. (distributed generation) than in relation to those that were in force. 

Because of this, many consumers made a point of acquiring photovoltaic systems before the deadline for changing rules (January 7, 2023), thus ensuring the so-called “vested right” so that its technologies remained within the rules prior to Law 14,300. 

However, even with the new legislation in force, some doubts still linger in the minds of many professionals and consumers. One of them involves customers who installed systems of solar energy in the old rule, but they are with plans to change residence.  

In that regard, It is possible to relocate your DG systems to the new property without losing the acquired right? Bernardo Marangon, director of Exact Energy, answered this question in the Canal Solar webinar last Tuesday (12). 

According to him, it is not possible to take a DG system to another location, since the acquired right is granted to the consumption unit. If the consumer wants to install another system in another unit, he must start a new process and will be subject to the rules set out in Law 14,300. 

However, Marangon points out that this is not a disadvantage for the consumer, since their old property ends up being valued because it has a generation under the old rule, whether when selling or renting it.

check out, in the video below, the complete answer from the professional: 


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

2 Responses

  1. But in this case there will be a change of address and the system will not remain, the current location will be sold and whoever is buying it does not want the generation system, that is, the system will change location, so in this case are the new rules that will apply? ??

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