Climate change will affect solar generation in two regions of Brazil

Convergence zone will reduce radiation in the Northeast, while below-average rainfall is expected in the Southeast
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Mudanças climáticas afetarão geração solar em duas regiões do Brasil, segundo o Climatempo.
The forecast for the next two weeks is heavy rain in the Northeast. Photo: Reproduction/Ecosol

To the next few weeks will be marked by climate changes that will affect the solar energy generation, especially in regions North East It is Southeast from Brazil. This is what the new fortnightly bulletin from Climate, one of the main meteorology and climate analysis companies in the country.

According to the company, in next 15 days the forecast is rains above average for most of northeastern states due to the action of a intertropical convergence zone and from wind circulation at high levels of the atmosphere.

That way, there will be an increase in cloudiness and, consequently, a lower incidence of solar radiation on the surface and temperatures lower than expected for the time of year.

To the greater instabilities occur from today (14) and the storms will hit all states over the next few days, gaining strength for the sertão and the northeastern interior, except for central-south Bahia. 

“These factors will contribute to the reduction in the potential for solar energy generation in the region in the next 15 days”, highlights the report.

On the other hand, Climatempo reports that in the region Southeast, the next few days will be marked by rainfall below the historical average, especially in the state of Minas Gerais, which can increase the generation potential of photovoltaic systems. 

However, from March 20th the rain scenario should return with greater frequency and intensity, impacting a reduction in solar generation potential in all four states that make up the Southeast region of the country. 


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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