Municipality of Maranhão grants discount on IPTU for homes with solar

Partial tax exemption will be 20% and the discount amount cannot exceed R$ 1,000.00
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Município do Maranhão concede desconto no IPTU para moradores com energia solar
Photo: Reproduction/Prefeitura de Imperatriz (AM)

Another Brazilian municipality started to offer discounts on IPTU (Tax Building and Urban Territory) for residents who have solar energy systems installed in their homes. The initiative, this time, was made official by Imperatriz City Hall (MA). 

A partial exemption in the municipality it will be 20% and applies to properties with a generation system that have the capacity to meet at least 70% of the property's average monthly electricity consumption, referring to the last six months prior to the discount request.

The benefit granted is assessed annually on the value of the IPTU and the discount cannot be greater than R$ 1,000.00, according to the municipal government. The application is valid for a single period of five years. 

The discount measure granted by the City Hall, through Sefazgo (Secretariat of Planning, Finance and Budgetary Management), is part of the New Tax Code of Imperatriz.

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Josafan Bonfim, secretary of Sefazgo, explains that there are no complications in executing the request, as long as interested parties meet the criteria and present the necessary documentation. 

According to him, to request the discount, residents need to fill out the standard request on the Taxpayer Portal or go in person to Sefazgo's headquarters, carrying a document that identifies the real estate registration number, copies of the owner's CPF and ID, as well as the energy bill stub. 

Questions about the subject can be sent to the secretariat via WhatsApp (99) 98172-5775 or by email: [email protected].

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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