Municipalities mobilize in favor of the approval of PL 5829

Campaign in favor of the bill already has the support of more than 70 organized civil society entities
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Municípios se mobilizam em prol da aprovação do PL 5829

With the vote on PL 5829 (Bill 5829/19), which creates the legal framework for GD, approaching, several Brazilian municipalities are mobilizing to approve the matter in the Chamber of Deputies.

According to the PL's rapporteur, federal deputy Lafayette de Andrada (Republicanos/MG), the project should be on the agenda at any time and, if approved, will expand the Brazilian population's access to solar energy, boosting the country's economy.

Aiming to approve the proposal, the Municipal Chambers of Araraquara (SP) and Presidente Prudente (SP) forwarded a Motion of Support to PL 5829.

In the document forwarded, the Araraquara Legislature stated that “generating one's own energy is a right provided for in the Constitution” and that “large oligopolies cannot take this right away from Brazilians”. Furthermore, he highlighted that “solar energy helps save water in hydroelectric reservoirs”.

And the Chamber of Presidente Prudente highlighted in the motion the creation of jobs in Brazil. Also supporting PL 5829 is the Association of Municipalities of the Sudene Mining Area, which represents more than 165 municipalities. The entity reiterates the importance of the matter and the gains from generating employment and income throughout the country. 

Follow: See all news about PL 5829

For Hewerton Martins, president of MSL (Free Solar Motion), the Motion in Support of PL 5829 became a wave in defense of employment and income in various corners of the country. For him, this mobilization demonstrates the urgency of approving the matter by the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate with a view to guaranteeing employment and the recovery of the Brazilian economy.

“The humblest people and small business owners are tired of paying a lot for electricity. They need savings to guarantee survival at this time and only solar energy has the capacity to act as a vector of economic and social development, simultaneously, in all municipalities in the country”, says Hewerton Martins.

Support for PL 5829

In defense of solar energy, the Movimento Solar Livre is at the forefront of a campaign that aims to bring together entities in favor of approving the amendments presented by federal deputies Evandro Roman (PSD-PR) and Rodrigo Agostinho (PSB-SP).

In addition to the support of the entities, the project has the support of Beto Pereira (PSDB-MS), Danilo Forte (PSDB-CE) and Coronel Chrisóstomo (PSL-RO). “The impact of the approval of the PL is highly positive for all of Brazil, as we need to keep in mind that solar energy is for everyone and that it is an important vector of economic development, as it generates jobs in all municipalities in the country” , he highlights.

See the complete list of institutions that defend solar energy:

  • Free Solar Movement
  • Friends of Mananciais Association
  • Bandeirante Engineers, Architects and Agronomists Association – ABEAA
  • Brazilian Association of Electrical Engineers – Federal District – ABEE
  • Brazilian Association of Electrical Engineers Maranhão – ABEE/MA
  • Brazilian Association of Soy Producers – APROSOJA BRASIL
  • Brazilian Association of Owners of Innovative Electric Vehicles – ABRAVEI
  • Brazilian Association G5 Solar Group
  • Cultural and Industrial Commercial Association of Erechim – ACCIE
  • Commercial and Business Association of Foz do Iguaçu – ACIFI
  • Commercial and Business Association of Maringá – ACIM
  • Commercial and Business Association of São José do Rio Preto – ACIRP
  • Commercial and Business Association of Teófilo Otoni – ACE
  • Commercial and Industrial Association of Araçatuba – ACIA
  • Bauru Commercial and Industrial Association – ACIB
  • Commercial and Industrial Association of Descanso/SC – ACID
  • Commercial and Industrial Association of Tangará – ACITA
  • Commercial and Industrial Association of Uberlândia – ACIUB
  • Commercial Industrial Services and Agribusiness Association of Cunha – ACISA
  • Association of Companies and Integrators of Photovoltaic Energy of Sergipe – ASSESSOLAR
  • Association of Municipalities in the Mineira da Suede area – AMAMS
  • Association of Producers and Corn of the State of Mato Grosso – APROSOJA MT
  • Association of Electronics Professionals of Alagoas – APREL
  • Association of Electric Energy Prosumers – APEEL
  • Hunter Business Association – ACIC
  • Florianópolis Business Association – ACIF
  • Fraiburgo Business Association – ACIAF
  • Indaial Business Association
  • Mafra Business Association – ACIM
  • Mondaí Business Association – ACIM
  • Business Association of Santa Helena and Tunápolis – AEST
  • Videira Business Association – ACIAV
  • Mato Grosso Association of Electrical Engineers – AMEE
  • Northeastern Solar Energy Association – ANESOLAR
  • Pará Solar Energy Association – APASOLAR
  • Paraíba Association of Solar Energy Companies – APBsolar
  • Paraná Solar Energy Association – APESOLAR
  • Pernambuco Solar Energy Association – APESOLAR
  • Piauí Association of Solar Energy Companies – APISOLAR
  • Potiguar Renewable Energy Association – APER
  • Regional Association of Engineers and Architects of Videira – Areavid
  • Chamber of Teófilo Otoni MG
  • Penedo City Council
  • CDL Campo Grande
  • CDL Teófilo Otoni
  • National Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs – CONAJE
  • State Council of Young Entrepreneurs of Santa Catarina – CEJESC
  • Alagoas Regional Engineering and Agronomy Council – CREA/AL
  • Regional Engineering and Agronomy Council of Minas Gerais – CREA/MG
  • Ceará Regional Engineering and Agronomy Council – CREA/CE
  • Regional Engineering and Agronomy Council of the Federal District – CREA/DF
  • Regional Council of Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy of Pernambuco – CREA/PE
  • Regional Council of Industrial Technicians of the State of Rio de Janeiro – CRT/RJ
  • Deputy Delgado Eduardo Prado – GO
  • AVANTE Municipal Directory of Teófilo Otoni – MG
  • FCDL Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Federation of Business Associations of Santa Catarina – FACISC
  • Permanent Forum on Issues Related to the Energy Sector of the State of Goiás
  • Group of Business Leaders Northwest Paulista
  • Institute of Engineering and Agronomy of Northeast Minas – IENAM
  • Institute for the Promotion of Public Policies
  • Solar Institute
  • Parque do Peão Barretos Motor Cycles
  • Sergipe Oil and Energy – PENSE
  • BRASIL SOLAR Network
  • State Secretariat for the Environment, Economic Development, Production and Family Agriculture – SEMAGRO
  • Teófilo Otoni Commerce Union
  • Alta Noroeste Rural Union – SIRAN
  • Ataléia Rural Producers Union
Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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