Northeast breaks double record for photovoltaic solar energy generation

Production recorded by ONS last Wednesday (27) would be enough to supply 21.3% of the region's electrical demand
Nordeste bate duplo recorde de geração de energia solar fotovoltaica
In the month of October alone, seven records were set, adding two new records

The Northeast region registered a double record in the generation of instantaneous photovoltaic solar energy last Wednesday (27). The ONS (National Electric System Operator) pointed out the first peak at 1:19 pm, when verifying the generation of 2,649 MW. 

The second peak came less than an hour later, at 1:58 pm, with production recording 2,675 MW. It was a 2% increase in relation to the index recorded earlier. The amount of energy generated is enough to supply 21.3% of the region's electrical demand at that time. 

In the month of October alone, seven records were set, adding two new records. Solar energy currently represents 2.2% of the entire Brazilian energy matrix, but the expectation is that this number will increase to 2.6% by the end of 2021.

Solar distributed generation in Brazil

Currently, the country has 7.2 GW of operational power from solar sources in the DG (distributed generation) segment, according to a survey carried out by Canal Solar with data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

The consumption class with the highest installed power is residential, with 3.06 GW, followed by the commercial class (2.5 GW) and rural (992 MW). Also according to the Agency, the Southeast, South and Northeast regions lead the ranking of installed power in Brazil, with 2.69 GW, 1.53 GW and 1.41 respectively.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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