Northeast is a strategic point for H2V production, points out CCEE

In January alone, more than 9,200 average MW of solar and wind energy were produced in the Brazilian region
Nordeste é um ponto estratégico para produção de hidrogênio verde, aponta CCEE
Northeast has attracted the world's attention with the development of green hydrogen projects. Photo: Freepik

For your strategic position, with good winds and abundance of Sun, the region North East of Brazil is a strategic location so that Brazil can achieve carbon neutrality and emerge as one of the main players in the market H2V (green hydrogen). 

Only in January this year, the Brazilian region produced more than 9,200 average MW power solar and wind, according to information from CCEE (Electricity Trading Chamber).

This is an amount that, according to the organization, reinforces the potential that the locality has for if transform into a source development hub, what does not generate carbon emissions and has potential for generation from onshore wind farms (onshore), at sea (offshore) and photovoltaic plants.

Currently, several States of North East already are catching the world's attention because of your projects, such as Ceará – with the creation of a Green Hydrogen Hub – and Bahia, which is investing more than US$ 1.5 billion in developing an industrial-scale project. 

Green hydrogen in Brazil

Green hydrogen is an energy source that can be used in industrial processes and activities dependent on fossil fuels. At the moment, Several countries, such as the United States and Japan, have already signaled to the world that they are willing to pay a price for the source. 

In this sense, associations and entities linked to the renewable sector highlight that H2V presents important versatility for Brazil in the context of the energy transition, as it can be used as a low-carbon source in sectors that are difficult to decarbonize or as a vector for the energy storage and export. 

Read too:

Recently, a survey carried out by McKinsey & Company assessed that Brazil is fully capable of reaching a prominent level in the international market, especially as an exporter. 

The company's projections show that the country is capable of producing and exporting around 3.8 million tons of green hydrogen by the end of 2040, thus guaranteeing more than R$ 6 billion from the sale of the technology, as illustrated in the image below.

McKinsey & Company projection on H2V in Brazil. Photo: Canal Solar


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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