New battery technology promises large storage capacity

Innolith plans to commercialize the high-density battery from initial pilot production in Germany

The Swiss company Innolith, based in the city of Basel, announced the development of the world's first electric battery with an energy density greater than 1kWh/kg. The new technology uses an inorganic electrolyte and does not employ toxic materials or rare chemical elements, according to the manufacturer.

Unlike conventional lithium-ion batteries currently widely used in electric vehicles and energy storage applications, this new technology, in addition to its high energy density, has the advantage of being non-flammable, making its use safer (especially in electric vehicles). ). According to the manufacturer, the motivation for the development was the search for a new non-flammable battery, without risk of explosion, with high durability and large storage capacity.

Innolith plans to commercialize the high-density battery from initial pilot production in Germany, followed by licensing partnerships with battery and automobile manufacturers, said Sergey Buchin, CEO of Innolith. The company predicts that development and commercialization of the battery will take between three and five years.

“We believe this battery will be suitable for all types of transportation applications, including electric cars and buses, and with its high energy density we can also use it in drones and other aircraft,” said CEO Sergey Buchin.

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Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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