New rules of Law 14,300 may be postponed until 2024

INEL meetings, in Brasília, seek to strengthen relations with ANEEL and deputies to achieve the objective  
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Novas regras da Lei 14.300 podem ser adiadas para 2024, afirma executivo do INEL
President of INEL, Heber Galarce, in a face-to-face meeting with the General Director of ANEEL, Sandoval Feitosa. Photo: Disclosure

INEL representatives (National Clean Energy Institute) will meet in Brasilia, next Monday (31), with federal deputy Lafayette de Andrada (Republicanos-MG) and with the General Director of ANEEL, Sandoval Feitosa.

O goal is to advance the possibility of a extension of current GD compensation rules (distributed generation), provided for in Law 14,300, for another 12 months: from January 2023 to January 2024.

The information was disclosed exclusively to the Solar Channel, by Ricardo Costa, Secretary of Solar Energy at INEL.

Last Thursday (27), he and the entity's president, Heber Galarce, were in Brasília to have a first conversation with Feitosa.

The main topic of the meeting involved, precisely, the possibility of extending the deadline for applying current GD rules.

“On Monday (31), we will be, once again, in Brasília, also with deputy Lafayette de Andrada to pave the way for the discussion, later this year, with other parliamentarians, seeking success in requesting the postponement”, said Costa.

According to the INEL secretary, the conversation with Lafayatte de Andrada is scheduled to take place in the morning, while with Feitosa in the afternoon.

“The conversation will be individual with each person. Specifically with Sandoval, we will reinforce the same issues (from Thursday's meeting) and go into some greater detail,” he said.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.
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