Number of PV systems is already the highest in history in a single year

Expert points to an even more heated market due to the effects of Law 14,300
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The country accounts for 364 thousand new system connections installed in the consumer unit itself

O Brazil ended the month of September with another record in the solar energy sector. Us first nine months of 2022, the country has accumulated little more than 442.5 thousand photovoltaic systems installed in the segment of G.D. (distributed generation).

This is the year (which isn't even over yet) with the largest number of solar generators connected to the distribution network, surpassing the mark for the entire 2021 – which had 430.9 thousand systems installed between the months of January and December.

The numbers – obtained by Solar Channel, based on public data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) – show that the Southeast region is the one that added the most installations this year, with 170.6 thousand connections, with emphasis on the states of São Paulo (77.1 thousand) and Minas Gerais (57.9 thousand). 

Among Brazilian municipalities, the main highlight of the year is Florianópolis (SC), with 15.2 thousand systems installed – practically triple the second place on the list, which was Campo Grande (MS), with 5.1 thousand connections. 

Among the consumption classes, residential reached 365.7 thousand photovoltaic systems put into operation in the year (82.6% of the total of 442.5 thousand DG units), remaining far from the others. 

Regarding the generation modality, the country accounts for 364 thousand new connections of systems installed in the consumer unit itself, just over 77 thousand in remote self-consumption and around 1.4 thousand in shared generation. 

According to Ricardo Marques, CEO of MSOLS, the major contributor to the intensification of Brazilians' search for solar energy systems in 2022 was the approval of the Law 14,300, which begins to be applied to those who adopt distributed generation from January 2023, through the SCEE (Electric Energy Compensation System). 

“Law 14,300 is mainly responsible for this growth. If it had not been created, solar energy would have continued to grow due to the natural maturation of the technology, but it would not have broken the 2021 record in September. Maybe it would hit November or December, but not before the fourth quarter as it happened,” he said. 

Marques also projected that the chances are high that there will also be an overheated first quarter of 2023 in terms of volume of installations – since, in his assessment, this is when “the 120-day deadline will be expiring for those who requested the access opinion before the change of the Law”, he commented. 

“Don’t be surprised if, between the last quarter of this year and the first of next year, we have exactly the same number as in 2022 (more than 440 thousand new systems installed in the country)”, he stated. “After that, from April onwards, I believe in a period of six to eight months of natural contraction”, he highlighted. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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