The balance between personalization and standardization of service in the solar sector

It is possible to offer VIP customer service without losing productivity with the standardization of sales
6 minute(s) of reading

Standardization brings productivity to service. However, one fully scripted contact ends up sinning by not paying attention truth to needs of the customer.

According to Forbes, the big secret to standardizing service in the era of personalization is balance. But how determine this balance when selling solar energy? In our sector, a certain level of standardization is necessary, even so that important details are not forgotten.

Basic steps, such as presenting your company's trajectory, explaining how the systems work and asking to know the customer's consumption habits should not be left aside.

On the other hand, without a touch of customization, the customer will not feel like they are being heard and you will not have confidence that your pain will be resolved satisfactorily.

Mainly in negotiations B2B, that is, selling solar systems to other companies, which Personalized service is a differentiator for conversion and loyalty.

I propose here an understanding of How to find a balanced form of care, where standardization and personalization coexist. Good reading!

The consumer is no longer the same

Firstly, you need to understand that you cannot follow the same sales process used years ago, focused on price and only the main benefits, as the consumer has already changed their mindset.

The way the consumer searches and decide on a purchase has changed a lot in the last five years, especially during the pandemic.

With changes in habits, an example is that many of those who didn't buy online they felt almost obliged to give e-commerce a chance.

This is one of the situations that made the consumer more demanding, as with the lack of experience of going to stores in person, it was necessary to pay attention to as many details as possible before purchasing.

This requirement remains and is applied to the most diverse sectors, including the solar sector. Today, customers take more time to research, inform themselves, and especially seek opinions from acquaintances.

With this in mind, are solar energy sellers prepared to provide a service focused on what this new customer is looking for?

Solar energy is relatively new. For the majority of the population, it is still necessary to educate themselves about the financial advantages of installing a system. But during contact with the customer, remember that if he is really interested, he will look for other sources of information.

Positioning yourself as a trusted authority is essential to retain consumer 4.0, and the way you respond directly impacts this.

Finding the best of both worlds

As I said in the introduction, standardization has positive points and should not be abandoned in the name of customization.

The simple fact of serving all customers with the same education is already an example of standardization that must be maintained, by you and other salespeople who may work in your company, as well as by installers, engineers and other members of your team.

Ways to handle common objections will also continue to follow a pattern. There is no problem in following a logic of steps to sell, as this is part of the sales strategy and avoids a mismatch of information.

The key to applying customization to service means putting yourself in the customer's shoes. For example, if the customer has a complex roof with several drops, you would probably want to be informed about the importance of choosing smaller modules for this layout instead.

Not only for the sake of efficient use of space, but also security and economy during installation: with smaller modules, fewer people will be needed for the delicate process of raising a panel without accidents.

What if you were one of the consumers who are suspicious about the economy of solar energy thanks to the new legal framework?

I imagine that would you like to be instructed about the calculations that can be done to realize that, even with the new tariffs, it will still be an advantageous and economical choice for your home, considering your consumption individually.

You can’t just say “Ah, but it’s still cheaper than electricity, I guarantee that!”, and expect that the client accepts the investment without being sure of what will change in the budget itself.

We know how flexible and adaptable solar energy is to different needs.

Therefore, it is mandatory for sellers to look for understand the specificities that each client presents, as there will always be the ideal solution, just look case by case and know how to explain the details clearly.

Exclusivity until the end

Once you accumulate knowledge about your audience, you will know what their behaviors, needs and characteristics are.

Your customers will have things in common, and this will help – not to treat them as if they were the same – but to show that you have already dealt with similar situations and know exactly the options that best suit them.

When I say options, in the plural, it is because it is of great value that you can present more than one output, as long as they are viable. The consumer needs to feel that they had autonomy and control in making a choice, even a simple one, and not that they were “pushed” to choose what was most convenient.

At the end of the project, another attitude that will help the client feel valued is carry out a satisfaction survey.

This way, he will know that his opinion continues to be important to the company even after the deal is closed. It’s also a great opportunity to “plant the seed” for future nominations.

Humanization as standard

Finally, when starting to balance standardization and personalization in your services, remember to train your team so that everyone adopts this humanized approach to each client.

When sending emails or messages on WhatsApp, everyone addresses each customer by name. Remember the history of the conversation so as not to repeat basic questions, as a sign of respect and attention.

But, most importantly, everyone in your company is on the same page about how much the customer already understands or doesn't understand about solar energy.

This way the contact will flow more naturally, aligning the complexity of the conversation, without the customer feeling belittled by an unnecessarily professorial tone, or cornered by a technical conversation too soon.

We want to bring savings and convenience to these people, so treating them like a number or “just another project” doesn’t make any sense. Therefore, always make sure to make the customer feel seen, heard and considered, as much as you yourself would like to be attended to.

Picture of Gustavo Tegon
Gustavo Tegon
Graduated in International Business and with an MBA in Management and Business from the Methodist University of Piracicaba. With extensive experience in distributed generation, he led manufacturers BYD, Jinko and Canadian Solar in Brazil. He is currently Institutional Director at BelEnergy.
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