The world will be cleaner and more sustainable after the Covid-19 pandemic

Depending on how you look at it, humans can be considered the planet's true virus.
6 minute(s) of reading

The first week of social isolation saw pollution in São Paulo drop by half. An unprecedented crisis seems to be approaching due to the global spread of the coronavirus and, for now, there is only one certainty: human beings' way of life will change or needs to change.

Many sectors see the crisis as an opportunity and it is time for humanity to look at this scenario in the same way: an opportunity for change.

Depending on how you look at it, humans can be considered the true virus on the planet. The Covid-19 epidemic has forced people around the world to reduce circulation and lock themselves in their homes as the only effective way to combat the disease and prevent healthcare systems around the world from collapsing.

With just a few days of reduced circulation, it is already possible to detect an improvement in the air quality of large cities, proof that human beings, in their unbridled journey towards progress, can be accused of polluting the planet, thus causing a disease effect on it.

The other side of the prism shows that human beings are the only ones capable of reversing this characteristic simply by redirecting the race for progress. The race may be the same, but the objective will have to change post-Covid 19. We must race for the correct progress.

Solar energy as an ally

In short, if it is proven that the burning of fossil fuels harms the air, it is time to pursue, study, research and invest in other forms of energy generation. That simple. It is time for disruption, to show that the necessary process of implementing other energy sources in the Brazilian energy matrix, such as solar energy, must be accelerated.

It is an opportunity for the solar energy sector, which struggles so much to be widely recognized, to take the lead and reveal itself as the most viable alternative in the short term. It's time to show that the future is now, right after the virus, and to show that the time for waiting for the entire population to become familiar with new energy sources has passed.

Changing the energy matrix for solar energy

A practical example from our theory related to coming and going: electric cars. Sales grow year after year, but vehicles are still very expensive, unrealistic for the vast majority of Brazilians.

Government incentives are very rare. Initiatives to implement electric vehicles for public transport are limited to a very few units scattered here and there in Brazilian cities. The few initiatives work more as a marketing tool on the part of city halls than really an initiative that can change the air quality in that area, at least.

Hybrid or electric cars are already a reality in countries like France and Germany. By 2025, the manufacture of vehicles powered by diesel or gasoline will no longer be permitted in England.

Rich countries already have the most developed process and this crisis could be the start necessary for countries with large vehicle circulation such as Mexico and Brazil to enter this market.

We will return to normality, yes, but as the Covid-19 epidemic has shown, this reality needs to be different. Therefore, it is necessary to change the energy matrix: normality could be better if cars started to not pollute.

Solar energy: the star of the new times

On a much larger scale, solar energy generated from photovoltaic panels could be the star of the new times. The closure of industries, businesses and other activities as a result of this crisis threatens populations with the loss of purchasing power. Therefore, nothing more assertive than pointing out solar energy as, in addition to being clean, the cheapest in the long term.

Much has been said about examples of solidarity between companies to face the Covid-19 crisis. Here at Aldo we call this mode of operation. We have always made a point of growing and seeing our partners grow together.

We do not sell directly to the end consumer. We represent the largest manufacturers of equipment for the production of solar energy in the world – photovoltaic panels, generators, inverters, storage batteries, among other items – and we negotiate directly with them to bring the best at the lowest cost and thus allow our reseller partners can operate in a healthy manner in the market.

We offer training and support to our resellers, facilitating the activity of disseminating knowledge about the capture and use of solar energy in Brazil. Our goal is not just to sell, but to educate and disseminate technologies and knowledge that can change the world.

Due to its geological position, geographic configuration and climatic conditions, Brazil has the potential to become a leader in the production and use of clean and positive solar energy. The technology already exists, we just need to disseminate it.

In the case of solar energy in Brazil, Aldo joined the cause and not just in the market. Let's strengthen ourselves to fight the pandemic and so, when the darkness passes, we can show that following the brightest paths depends on each one of us and that our reality can be much better!

The world is different. We are learning that each isolated action, even if small, has a fundamental role, and that positive energy that comes from above is essential in the world in which we live.

Prosumers (consumers who produce their own energy), for the first time, have great and beneficial reasons to immediately embrace new solar energy generation technologies, against the economic turmoil caused by the pandemic.

In addition to an immediate reduction in electricity bill expenses, solar energy provides people with extra income for more than 25 years, generating many jobs throughout the chain and helping to preserve water, air and the entire planet.

Picture of Aldo Teixeira
Aldo Teixeira
Founder of photovoltaic equipment distributor Aldo Solar, based in Maringá (PR). He has worked in the solar sector for years, with experience in management and sales.

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