ONS defines five priority regulatory issues in 2023 

Highlight themes were approved in March by the Operator's executive board
ONS define cinco assuntos regulatórios prioritários em 2023
ONS headquarters. Photo: Disclosure

The board of ONS (National Electrical System Operator) approved the five priority regulatory matters to operate in 2023. After the last review of the Regulatory Map, in March, the same themes as the previous year were maintained in the “Top 5”. 

A The review aims to provide discussions on issues considered most relevant to the operation and modernization of the Brazilian electricity sector, for the benefit of energy transformation.

The regulatory matters approved by the Operator were:

  • Distributed energy resources: The regulatory negotiations carried out for the integration of connected resources in distribution aim, according to the ONS, to ensure the safe operation of the national interconnected system in a more decentralized sectoral model.
  • Access to the Transmission System: the ONS states that it has been working on regulatory proposals, both cyclical and structural, to enable a more efficient process for the access of renewable sources to the transmission system, with actions within the scope of contracting the use of transmission, aiming to improve guarantees and exceptional termination of CUST (Contracts for the Use of Transmission Systems).
  • Ancillary Services: the improvement of these services is considered by the ONS as essential to provide more flexibility and efficiency to the operation. The Agency's work on this matter ranges from a general diagnosis and prioritization of the improvements necessary for the provision of ancillary services, to the proposal of a competitive mechanism for contracting them, in a sandbox environment, starting with the ancillary voltage control service.
  • Demand Response: According to the ONS, this regulatory issue remains relevant in 2023 with additional actions to define and structure a competitive process for contracting an availability product, in an experimental environment (sandbox), being another resource option for the operation of the system in serving maximum demand (peak).
  • Operation and Price: According to the ONS, regulatory action linked to improving dispatch and price formation ranges from contributions to improvements in data, processes and models currently used to monitoring proposals for modernizing the sector.

Click here and check out the ONS presentation on the five approved subjects of the Regulatory Map.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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