ONS indicates stability in the inflow of the Southeast/Central West subsystem

The region concentrates around 70% of the reservoirs of greatest interest to the SIN (National Interconnected System)
ONS indica estabilidade na afluência do subsistema Sudeste/Centro Oeste
Photo: Reproduction/UHE Igarapava

O report card most recent released by ONS showed that the flow projection for the Southeast/Central-West subsystem will follow stable at the beginning of 2024. The report refers to indicators for the week of December 23rd to 29th.

The region concentrates around 70% of the most interesting reservoirs of the SIN (National Interconnected System), with a forecast of 63% of inflow from the MLT (Long Term Average). In the previous report, the subsystem tag was 64%.

Meanwhile, the flow of the other subsystems should reach 207% in the South, 34% in the North and 18% in the Northeast, according to the Operator. Comparing with the final period of 2022, the SIN should advance 81,670 MWmed, around 13%. 

In relation to the subsystems, the perspective The largest expansion is in the Southeast/Central-West with 46,760 MWmed (15.3%). Next comes the North, with 7,291 MWmed (13%); Northeast, 13,270 MWmed (11.6%); and South, with 14,349 MWmed (7.3%), respectively. 

The ONS also highlights that stability is also observed in the stored energy index, in which the South and Southeast/Mid-West subsystems are expected to close the month with levels above 50%, with 88.3% and 61% respectively.  

For the other subsystems, the forecast is 45.9% for the North and 48.9% for the Northeast.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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