Onyx Lorenzoni welcomes solar sector associations

Minister received representatives from the sector in Brasília (DF) and valued the importance of solar sources for the country 
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The chief minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, Onyx Lorenzoni, received, this Wednesday (2) in Brasília (DF), representatives of associations and entities that defend the solar energy sector. 

During the meeting, Lorenzoni declared the importance of approving regulations for the sector. “This is an important cause for Brazil. It is an initiative that seeks regulation that provides peace of mind and security for all those who wish to invest in solar energy”, he stated. 

“A country like Brazil has extraordinary potential, both in terms of application and job creation. Today, with what we talked about here, I have the conditions to be able to dialogue and defend this important source of energy”, added Lorenzoni.

During the meeting, representatives of the photovoltaic sector also handed the head of the Department an open letter signed by more than 150 segments of the economy, including agribusiness, commerce, consumer protection, regional solar energy associations and city halls. from cities such as Belo Horizonte (BH) and Florianópolis (SC).

In the document, the entities argue that their own generation of electrical energy, through clean, renewable and sustainable sources, such as the sun, wind, biomass and biogas, is a right provided for in article 170 of the Constitution, but that large oligopolies that dominate the electricity sector are committed to taking away this right from Brazilians, with the application of policies that aim to tax solar generation in Brazil. 

The meeting was attended by the president of MSL (Movimento Solar Livre), Hewerton Martins, the CEO of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Energy Association), Rodrigo Sauaia, and the president of Age Solar (Regional Solar Energy Association of Rio Grande do Sul ), Rodrigo Corrêa. In addition to them, the president of Aprosoja (Brazilian Association of Producers), Antônio Galvan, and the vice-mayor of Quaraí-RS, Claudino Farias Murillo Júnior (DEM). 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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