Operation dismantles criminal organization that stole solar panels

In total, five arrest warrants and six search and seizure warrants were carried out in the interior of SP and MG
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Operação prende e bloqueia R$ 3 mi de quadrilha que roubava painéis FV
Warrants were served in the interior of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. Photo: Disclosure

Members of a gang what embezzled, stole and stole solar panel charges had R$ 3 million blocked by Justice during the “Operation Refraction”, held last Thursday morning (13). 

In total, there were five arrest warrants It is six search and seizure in the municipalities of Conceição das Alagoas and Frutal, in mining Triangle, and in Aguaí, in interior of São Paulo. 

The operation was carried out by Gaeco (Special Action Group to Combat Organized Crime) from Uberaba and had support from the Military Police (PM), Gaeco from Campinas (SP) and the Criminal Police of Minas Gerais. 

According to authorities, the investigations began in the second semester last year after a series of reports about theft and theft of photovoltaic equipment loads were registered in these locations. 

One of those investigated (a truck driver) was arrested for participating in the diversion of a load valued at R$ 500 thousand. It was found that he, together with the owner of the truck and other associates, worked together to defraud the freight of the cargo.

From there, drivers, agents and negotiators were identified as responsible for the crime, proving that the criminal organization was structured with actions that began with the diversion of cargo and continued until sales, with the help of a network of receivers for the diverted cargo. 

In Brazil, the number of scams applied in the solar energy sector has become an increasingly common practice in recent years, as criminals have taken advantage of the sector's growth to practice different types of crimes.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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