Utilities’ renewable profits

The greed of energy distributors cannot dim the shine of those who fight for expansion

The renewable profits of utilities ffinanced with the funds of the states and the union, public money from all of us!

  • The large distributors also want to dominate the use of solar energy and thus defend the proposed revision RN 482/2012 presented by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), which in no way changes the concessionaires' strategies.
  • A good part of the energy we consume today comes from hydroelectric and thermoelectric plants (diesel, gas and coal), which are expensive (red flag), highly polluting and have a major impact on the environment.
  • Now the great economic powers also want to dominate the distribution of solar energy, which is clean, renewable and cheaper.

The mathematics of incessant results for energy distributors is the real reason that makes the revision of RN 482 a masterstroke, this time enslaving none other than the Astro-King (the Sun), in the service of this monopoly. The concessionaires are grateful, because the economic issue, which EVERYTHING goes through, wants to make the review of RN 482 contribute even more to their results, now called renewable profits.

The greed of energy distributors cannot dim the shine of those who fight to expand the use of solar energy in Brazil. Yes, the large distributors have entered into a “State of War” against anyone who wants to have the autonomy to produce their own electrical energy from sunlight.

The weapons they decided to wield are the most petty in any war: economic power and privileged position, alongside the government (which allows itself to be manipulated to suit interests). Without the slightest embarrassment, they try to change the rules and parameters already established to suit their interests.

But, in a world surrounded by ideals, purposes and the will to win on the part of all Brazilians, there are questions that need to be asked.

To understand this process we need to clarify some points from the beginning:
In addition to the efforts of groups linked to environmental protection, businesspeople who see great potential in the sector, as well as people who believe that not everything is about commerce, invest in this topic with the aim of truly benefiting our people and the planet. However, they face resistance from large electricity distributors.

However, the sector that has been trying to gain momentum has suffered blows that simply threaten to make this investment unfeasible. Explained: normative resolution (RN) 482/2012, which created the electrical energy compensation system and allowed every captive energy consumer to generate their own energy, is undergoing its third review process. In this process, which began in May 2018 and is scheduled for completion in the first half of 2020, the main discussion on the agenda is how energy credits will be valued.

Currently 100% of the energy that the solar energy system puts into the grid can be offset on the consumer's electricity bill. However, according to giant distribution companies that charge high tariffs, connection fees and contracted demand, this model is not enough and does not represent adequate remuneration for the distribution network. That is why ANEEL – National Electric Energy Agency – is analyzing hypotheses to reduce the percentage of return on energy injected into the grid, which can range from 72% to 37%. All alternatives presented by ANEEL represent losses for the consumer who invested or wants to invest in generating their own electrical energy.

ANEEL, within economic and commercial freedom, accepts that subsidiaries of large economic groups of distributors openly explore the solar energy market. Now, a new blow: energy utilities are acting and supporting the review, in order to also become the largest distributors of solar energy! In other words, they have already enslaved the rivers through adaptation works for the production of hydroelectric energy that we consume and now they also want to enslave the Sun itself to produce and, once again, monopolize the distribution of this energy.

Today, PIS, COFINS and ICMS represent an average of 35% of the captive consumer's electricity price. In DISTRIBUTED GENERATION we have an “incentive” in all Brazilian states, with exemptions from these taxes, precisely to increase solar generation. To the distributors invented a real “China business”: for all captive customers in their coverage area they are selling solar energy supply contracts, with up to 22% discount on their monthly electricity bill, for up to 25 years It is, amazingly, without any REAL investment from either partyTHE MIRACLE:  Of the 35% of taxes left over from the “incentive” for those who adhere to the consumption of solar energy, a discount of 22% is granted. The remainder of the 13% goes to investment in solar panels or to the “renewable profits” account. All of this FINANCED with state and federal funds, public money from all of us! The “incentive” is in quotation marks because it is a scam: only those who adhere to the consumption of solar energy by purchasing directly from the large company will benefit from these discounts, in other words: the principle of producing their own energy falls apart. The large distributors and dealerships insist on promoting consumer dependence: if you buy from the dealership you get a discount, if you want to produce it yourself you will be taxed.

This type of rule is a clear creation of a monopoly in the solar energy sector by those who already have a monopoly on the distribution of electrical energy. It's getting more profit on what is already very profitable. The 38 electricity distributors with active shares on the Stock Exchange earned R$ 8 billion in the third half of this year, 157% more than in the same period last year. It is worth remembering that, despite the power, monopoly and absurd profits, the energy distribution service is among the champions of complaints in institutions like PROCON across the country.

Businesspeople who believe that solar energy can be a pillar of sustainable growth organize themselves, invest in the sector and show that they can achieve success and share it with consumers, they are being systematically attacked by distributors who only aim to make a profit and who , in addition to energy, they distribute incompetence.

Who is so interested in supporting “renewable profits from concessionaires”, in a country with so much sun?   

Be part of this movement, visit www.soumaissolar.com.br

Picture of Aldo Teixeira
Aldo Teixeira
Founder of photovoltaic equipment distributor Aldo Solar, based in Maringá (PR). He has worked in the solar sector for years, with experience in management and sales.

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