Strategic partnerships: boosting solar energy sales

The importance of recognizing and establishing strategic partnerships with segments complementary to solar
6 minute(s) of reading
Canal Solar Parcerias estratégicas potencializando as vendas de energia solar
It is necessary to explore new ideas and revisit the most obvious possibilities with a new perspective

O solar energy market relates to different branches. Faced with a year that brought challenges for sales growth (like the rainy period in the first quarter), it is I need to seek partnerships with professionals from complementary segments.

After all, they are major sales influencers. They are often inside the client's home.

To find these partnership opportunities, it is I need to explore new ideas and revisit the most obvious possibilities with a fresh eye. For example, a very traditional and frequent partnership is with engineering professionals, when it comes to solar projects on ready-made properties.

But what if the civil engineer, together with the construction companies and architects, offered the client a construction project designed for solar energy from the beginning?

In this context, today I bring some examples of segments that can represent a Effective tactic to boost solar energy sales. I will discuss the importance of these partnerships, and how they can help you increase your visibility and access new customers.

Home improvement stores: expanding reach

You construction segment retailers are a frequent meeting point for property owners who are involved in home renovation, construction or maintenance projects. Therefore, this is an excellent opportunity to have a new showcase, making products available in the store and taking care of the installation.

Through this partnership, your company can demonstrate the benefits and economic viability of solar energy, as well as offer expert guidance to customers. This mutual collaboration benefits both home improvement stores, who can provide an additional service to customers, and integrators, who reach a broader and more diverse audience.

Architects: integration from the initial design

You architects play a crucial role in the construction process, and involving them from the beginning can be extremely beneficial for selling solar energy. By collaborating with architects, it is possible to help integrate solar energy into architectural design, considering aspects such as the ideal positioning of solar panels, aesthetics and optimization of energy performance.

Through this partnership, you can become a consultant and offer customized solar energy solutions. It is a chance to show architects how to incorporate this technology into their projects without aesthetics becoming an objection, because by visualizing the project with solar panels from the beginning, the architect will not feel that the aesthetics are being changed after its idealization.

By creating this relationship of trust, you have the opportunity to be recommended by architects to your clients, strengthening your presence in the solar energy market.

Electricians and Home Service Companies: Reaching Pre-Qualified Customers

Establishing partnerships with electricians and home service companies can be an effective strategy for reaching pre-qualified customers interested in solar energy. Often, These professionals have direct access to clients’ homes, providing a valuable opportunity to present the advantages of solar energy and offer personalized solutions to the needs and profile of each consumer.

Additionally, electricians can help with the installation and integration of solar systems, leveraging their technical knowledge and skills. By joining forces with these partners, you can benefit from the trust electricians and home service companies have already established with customers, increasing your chances of winning business.

These partnerships also allow us to offer complete solutions to customers, combining the installation of solar systems with electrical services and other residential services, creating an even more attractive value proposition.

Home Tech Companies: Harnessing Connectivity

With the advancement of home automation and smart technologies, companies offering smart home solutions are becoming increasingly relevant. Partnering with these companies can open doors for you, allowing you to offer connected solar energy solutions that integrate with other home devices and systems.

By providing customers with the ability to monitor and control their solar system through smart apps and devices, you add value to your services and stand out in the market. Additionally, collaboration with home technology companies can open up new marketing channels and reach a more technologically oriented audience.

Local associations and communities: strengthening credibility

Participating in local associations and getting involved in community initiatives is a powerful strategy for the integrator. By becoming an active member of these organizations, you can increase your visibility and establish relationships with other professionals and community leaders.

These partnerships can result in highly influential referrals and recommendations, in other words, it is a chance to strengthen your company's credibility and trust among potential customers. Participating in community events, workshops and educational programs is also an effective way to demonstrate expertise and promote awareness about the benefits of solar energy.


By expanding the reach, strengthen credibility and offer comprehensive and personalized solutions, partnerships can boost your sales and establish a prominent position for your company in the market.

Therefore, adopting a mindset Collaborative collaboration and exploring strategic partnerships is an excellent tactic for achieving sustainable growth and contributing to the advancement of solar energy, even during periods in which external factors, such as the economy or climate, represent a challenge for the sector.

I therefore propose that you take a new look at the retailers and professionals in your region, now considering how each of them can represent new opportunities for sales and knowledge exchange. At this time when joining forces is so important, How is your networking?

The opinions and information expressed are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of Canal Solar.

Picture of Gustavo Tegon
Gustavo Tegon
Graduated in International Business and with an MBA in Management and Business from the Methodist University of Piracicaba. With extensive experience in distributed generation, he led manufacturers BYD, Jinko and Canadian Solar in Brazil. He is currently Institutional Director at BelEnergy.

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