Deputies will discuss GD's legal framework in an internal meeting

The Mines and Energy Commission's initial idea was to hold a public hearing to debate the issue
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Deputados discutirão marco legal da GD em reunião interna

The CME (Mines and Energy Commission) of the Chamber of Deputies informed that it will hold a meeting next week with the rapporteur of PL 5829/19, deputy Lafayette de Andrada (Republicanos-MG).

The proposal aims to create the Legal Framework for GD (distributed generation). As a result, a public hearing will not be held, as deputy Danilo Forte (PSDB-CE) had requested. 

To the Solar Channel, Andrada said he believes that the replacement should be voted on next week.

“The following schedule has been established: this Thursday (8) or next Tuesday (13) there will be the presentation of the replacement at the CME. Next week, on Wednesday (14) or Thursday (15), we will vote in the plenary”, he stated.

At the beginning of the week, a note released by the parliamentarian's office also highlighted that there is great pressure for the vote on the proposal to take place.

In the deputy's assessment, the approval of the text will “democratize the use of solar energy in the country”. It is worth remembering that the PL had already been discussed before in plenary, but ended up being removed from the agenda due to the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Andrada, it is necessary to approve regulations for DG as there is still “a lack of specific legislation” for the sector.  

Read too: GD Legal Framework: what will the vote on PL 5829 be like?

Currently, ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) regulates the installation of micro and mini DG systems through resolutions – which, according to the deputy, creates legal uncertainty. However, there are other deputies who want to debate the proposal in the Chamber.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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