PE opens public dialogue stage for construction of floating plants

According to the government of Pernambuco, the process aims to serve 3,666 buildings that consume low voltage energy
15-09-22-canal-solar-PE abre etapa de diálogo público para construção de usinas flutuantes
The floating photovoltaic plants will generate energy for more than 3,600 buildings in the state. Photo: Reproduction

Seplag (Planning and Management Secretariat), through the PPE (Strategic Partnership Program), opened, this Monday (12), the public dialogue stage in the concession process for construction, operation, maintenance and management of floating power plants photovoltaic solar power generation.

In this case, the plants will generate energy for 3,666 buildings in the state of Pernambuco, benefiting Group B consumers (low voltage), such as schools, health and security units and other areas.

In addition to building the systems, the company winning the bid will be responsible for management and operation of credit clearing services of electrical energy to reduce costs in the state's public authorities. The term of the administrative concession will be 21 years.

You interested in participating At this stage, you should send your contributions to the following email: [email protected] until October 14th. On October 4th, at 10am, there will be a virtual public hearing, which will be broadcast on YouTube.

“The population can access the material on the website and, from there, make contributions that will be evaluated by the public authorities and may be included in the project”, said Marcelo Bruto, executive secretary of Partnerships and Strategies at Seplag.

“The participation of society and interested parties is important at this stage so that we can improve the proposal and deliver the best project possible”, he highlighted.

Auction for Group A consumers

In August, the auction for PPP (Public-Private Partnership) of solar energy generation for 52 buildings, benefiting consumers in Group A (high voltage).

A company Enerfín do Brasil won the auction and the plant should be built in the municipality of Salgueiro, in the Sertão of Pernambuco. With the project, according to the government, the state will be able to save 20% in energy costs over 28 years.

Among the bodies that will benefit from the Group A project are the headquarters of state secretariats and indirect administration units, such as Detran, Hemope and ATI (Information Technology Agency). O deadline for construction of the plant is 36 months after signing the contract.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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