PE could save 20% on its electricity bill with PV energy PPP

Enerfín do Brasil wins auction and will invest R$ 380 million in the state. Plant will generate around 300 jobs
25-11-22-canal-solar-PE poderá ter economia de 20% na conta de luz com PPP de energia FV
Partnership signed between the Government of PE and Enerfín do Brasil. Photo: Hélia Scheppa/SEI

O government of Pernambuco last week signed a contract for PPP (Public-Private Partnership) solar energy generation with the Enerfín do Brasil, Brazilian subsidiary of the Spanish group Elecnor.

The company was the winner of the auction for the PPP and will invest approximately R$ 380 million in Pernambuco for the implementation of a plant, which could provide the state with a 20% savings in energy costs over 28 years. The expectation is that around 300 jobs will be created.

“The renewable energy PPP is an innovative project in the state of Pernambuco, the first of its kind in Brazil and which allows savings on energy bills and promotes the production of renewable energy”, stated governor Paulo Câmara.

“The partnership will involve an investment of almost R$ 400 million. The concessionaire's forecast is to start construction in the first half of next year and begin operations in 2024”, Marcelo Bruto, executive secretary for Partnerships and Strategies.

More about the plant

The photovoltaic system will be installed in the municipality of Salgueiro, Sertão Central, and should be ready within 36 months after signing the contract, which follows an administrative concession model and will last for 28 years.

Enerfín must build, operate and maintain the solar plant, in addition to managing the state's consumer units in the ACL (Free Contracting Environment).

By the seventh month of signing the contract, consumer units will be migrated to the ACL and will receive energy from the concessionaire, generating savings in the first year of the concession.

Benefiting bodies

Energy will be generated for 52 public administration Group A (high voltage) consumer units. Among the bodies that will benefit are the headquarters of state secretariats and indirect administration units, such as Detran, Hemope and the Information Technology Agency.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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