PL 5829 is placed on the voting agenda in the Chamber of Deputies

Bill should be voted on by parliamentarians tomorrow afternoon (20)
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PL 5829 é colocado em pauta de votação na Câmara dos Deputados

PL 5829 (Bill no. 5829/2019) should be voted on this Tuesday, starting at 3 pm, in an extraordinary session in the Chamber of Deputies. A session agenda agenda was released early this Monday afternoon (19).

The proposal, which aims to create the Legal Framework for GD (distributed generation), is authored by deputy Silas Câmara (Republicanos-AM) and has deputy Lafayette Andrada (Republicanos/MG) as rapporteur.

For Hewerton Martins, the moment is for the sector to unite in favor of approving the proposal. “The vote will be in the Plenary and will be carried out by bench leaders and party leaders. So, we have a very important mission, to mobilize ourselves by making posts on the leaders' social networks. We, in organized civil society, can influence so that the vote does not leave the agenda again tomorrow. So, for this to happen, post now”, he called.

The replacement text presented by Lafayette has motivated several debates on the topic, with webinars and research being held. According to a note released by the parliamentarian's office at the beginning of April, there is great pressure for the vote on the proposal to take place. In Lafayette's assessment, the approval of the text will “democratize the use of solar energy in the country”. Furthermore, Lafayette highlighted, during the webinar held by Canal Solar, that the text is balanced and pays the distributors.

It is worth remembering that the PL had already been discussed before in plenary, but ended up being removed from the agenda due to the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the rapporteur of the proposal, it is necessary to approve the regulations for GD as there is still “a lack of specific legislation” for the sector. 

The Lafayette rapporteur's replacement text has been positively evaluated by associations and professionals in the DG sector. The proposal is seen with optimism and the expectation is that it will resolve the impasse due to the lack of legislation for the distributed generation segment.

Aiming to improve the text presented by Lafayette, deputies have presented amendments to be discussed during the vote on PL 5829/19. Among these amendments are the one that establishes the penetration of 10% of DG in electrical energy generation in the matrix before any change in standards and which can enable the insertion of solar energy in favelas.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

4 Responses

  1. The politics that impede progress in such an important sector are unbelievable.
    We are now being asked to save energy and water, but against the backdrop of the widespread use of solar energy, it really makes us cry.
    The government does not have the resources to set up clean plants (solar and wind) and still wants to make it difficult for the people to invest in the area.

  2. It's not fair to buy a solar energy generation system with high taxes and then have to be taxed to consume the energy you generated

  3. While the world calls for sustainability, some politicians call for taxing the Sun ☀️
    We invest in the equipment and pay the fee to the concessionaire for using the network, so the speech that the poor are paying the bill for the rich to benefit makes no sense!!

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