PL 5829 will be voted on this Thursday, say deputies 

Deputies reach consensus on the text that aims to create the Legal Framework for GD in Brazil
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PL 5829 (Bill no. 5829/19), which aims to create the Legal Framework for DG (distributed generation) in Brazil, should be voted on this Thursday (6) by the Chamber of Deputies.

The information was released by the text's rapporteur, deputy Lafayette de Andrada (Republicanos/MG), and by parliamentarians who participated in a meeting on Tuesday (4) with the president of the House, Arthur Lira.

“We had lunch at Lira’s house and at that moment it was agreed that we will vote on the text next Thursday”, said deputy Evandro Rogério Roman (PSD).

Last week, in an interview with Solar Channel, Lafayette highlighted that there were three points of the current text that were not in consensus with the deputies who were against the proposal. These impasses were resolved at the meeting on Tuesday (4). 

It was agreed that the rapporteur will make changes to his substitute report to seek an agreement and vote on the matter this Thursday. “We had a meeting of leaders, together with the president of the Chamber, and accepted several proposals for changes. It was decided that we will vote on the text on Thursday”, said Lafayette.

According to the rapporteur, the new replacement text will be published today. Among the modified points is the concept of distributed minigeneration. In this case, the power ceiling for projects that fit this definition will fall from 5 MW to 3 MW. 

Another change is the reduction in the non-compensation portion of Fio B for microgeneration projects (up to 75 kW) for legal entities, going from 28% to 14%.

Lafayette highlighted, on the other hand, that the maintenance of the current rules for 25 years will be maintained. “The current rules will continue to be valid for 25 years in compliance with signed contracts, guaranteeing legal security,” he stated. 

The change in the deadline for the end of subsidies, in the case of new projects in the segment, from ten years to eight years, is also planned.

The deputy also informed that two articles will be added to his new text: ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) will carry out studies and begin to economically value the benefits of DG in Brazil and an article will be added with the aim of curbing trade speculative access opinions.

“ANEEL will economically value the benefits of distributed generation and regulate a way in which they can offset the costs of those charges that are not paid by those who have distributed generation. It’s a meeting of accounts, a compensation”, said Lafayette.


In recent months, the replacement text presented by the deputy has motivated several debates on the subject. The parliamentarian defends the approval of the document, highlighting that it will help to democratize the use of solar energy in the country. Lafayette also highlights that approval is necessary, considering that the country does not yet have specific legislation for the sector.

The replacement text has been positively evaluated by associations and professionals in the solar energy sector, who expect the measure to resolve the impasse due to the lack of legislation for the distributed generation segment. The large economic groups, mostly formed by energy distributors, are against the project.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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