PL encourages microgeneration of electrical energy from renewable sources

The proposal, authored by deputy Rubens Otoni (PT-GO), is being processed in the Chamber of Deputies
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04-03-21-canal-solar-PL incentiva microgeração de energia elétrica por fontes renováveis

Exempt consumers who generate their own electricity, from a microgeneration system of up to 100 kW, from fees charged by companies for the use of electricity transmission and distribution networks. This is the objective of Bill 189/21, by federal deputy Rubens Otoni (PT-GO).

The proposal, which is being processed in the Chamber of Deputies, provides that the exemption will benefit hydraulic, solar, wind, biomass or qualified cogeneration microgeneration systems installed in the consumer unit.

According to the deputy, the text aims to encourage the dissemination of such energy efficiency projects in the country. Furthermore, the parliamentarian highlighted that Brazil has the conditions for self-production of electricity from renewable sources.

“Technological advances indicate that the use of renewable energy sources is the most appropriate path. This reasoning places Brazil in extremely privileged conditions, given the abundant quantity of essential raw materials for clean energy”, highlighted Otoni.

PL aims to expand the use of solar in RJ

A case is being processed at Alerj (Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro) bill which aims to expand the use of solar energy on properties located in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The proposal, authored by state deputy Jair Bittencourt (PP), guarantees consumers who purchase properties in the state the registration of installation of new photovoltaic systems linked to the CPF and/or CNPJ, as long as there is technical availability.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

3 Responses

  1. Up to 100 kW only? Poor people cannot install this in their homes. The middle/upper class has greater powers than this. In other words, the proposal will be born dead.

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