PL proposes discount on IPTU for those who use solar energy in the capital of São Paulo

Project being processed by the SP Chamber aims to expand photovoltaic DG in São Paulo (SP)
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Projeto que tramita na Câmara de SP visa ampliar a GD fotovoltaica em São Paulo (SP)
Photo: City Council

O PL 107/2019 (Bill 107/2019), in authorship of councilor Eliseu Gabriel (PSB), proposes the implementation of a municipal strategy in São Paulo (SP) for foment It is expand The adoption from the solar energy

Among the main points is the proposed discount of up to 80% in IPTU (Urban Property and Territorial Tax), proportional to the solar energy utilization rate to be defined in decree. The proposal has already been approved in the first discussion and is still being processed in the São Paulo Legislature.

The idea is that solar energy generation can contribute to the diversification, expansion and security of the energy matrix, as well as the postponement of investments in transmission and distribution”, informed the São Paulo City Council.

The bill seeks to encourage companies to adopt photovoltaic, thermal systems and other innovations that may emerge in the future. In addition to attracting players from the photovoltaic market, aiming to generate jobs and income in the municipality. 

The discussions addressed the implementation of solar energy in buildings, considering the technical and economic feasibility to promote security and energy diversification.

Furthermore, they explored the economic benefits, efficiency in energy consumption and reduction of pollution in the municipality.

In general, the main objectives of this project are:

  • Expand the use of distributed microgeneration and minigeneration from photovoltaic solar sources;
  • Expand the use of solar thermal energy; 
  • Increase the security and diversification of the municipality’s energy matrix; 
  • Increase the Municipality’s competitiveness in attracting companies and developing projects that use solar energy; 
  • Stimulate the installation and development of industries producing products and materials used in solar energy systems, as well as the commercial and service sectors involved; 
  • Stimulate the generation of jobs and professional training in the production and service chain related to solar energy systems; 
  • Reduce the consumption of energy produced by non-renewable sources in the municipality; 
  • Increase the use of solar energy in locations far from energy distribution networks; 
  • Contribute to improving the quality of life of the population, especially low-income families; 
  • Contribute to reducing energy costs in the municipality; 
  • Contribute to the reduction of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions, in in line with the Climate Change Policy of the Municipality of São Paulo, Law 14,933 of June 5, 2009);
  • Contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

The report also explains that it is necessary to evaluate solar energy systems in order to meet at least 40% of the established annual energy consumption, taking into account the consumption profile and technical characteristics of the building in question.

Finally, the PL proposes that the Executive Branch should publish, at the end of each year, the inventory of installations with photovoltaic solar energy and solar heating, with detailed information on the situation of public and private buildings, which allows evaluating the effectiveness of this law.

Click here to read the proposal in full.

Picture of Yvana Leitão
Yvana Leitão
Producer of the Papo Solar Podcast. He has experience producing and preparing journalistic articles. Graduated in journalism from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação de Campinas.

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