PL that provides for a fine for failure to supply energy is being processed at ALERJ

Voting on the proposal would initially be last Tuesday (20)
PL que prevê multa por falha no fornecimento de energia tramita na ALERJ
Photo: ALERJ/Reproduction

O Bill 5.685/22 authored by deputy Célia Jordão, from the Liberal Party (PL) is in processing at ALERJ (Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro). The project foresees fines for the dealership if there is power supply failure.

Initially, the voting would be last Tuesday (20). However, deputy Martha Rocha (PDT) asked that the PL return to the CCJ (Constitution and Justice Committee) to another analysis. Furthermore, she also mentioned that there is another proposal (PL 5.404/22) which deals with the same topic.

PL details

The fine will have a fixed value of five times the user's average consumption, considering the time of supply failure. The calculation will be the last six months of consumption.

If the consumer agrees, the fine will be compensated as a credit on the electricity bill, within three months.

However, the bill does not provide for a fine in cases of power outages due to fortuitous reasons or force majeure. Furthermore, interruptions due to thermal insufficiency on the end consumer's property will not result in punishment.

“There are many complaints from users in the various regions of the State of Rio de Janeiro who report constant power outages and interruptions to the aforementioned service, which can take days to return to normal. The establishment of this fine, in fact, aims to create this imposing mechanism for concessionaires to make the necessary investment in the electrical networks, preventing failure to provide this essential service due to the lack of adequate maintenance”, declared Célia.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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