MG government plans for the solar market in 2023

Director of Energy of Minas Gerais highlights the state's projects to promote the photovoltaic sector
10-11-22-canal-solar-Planos do governo de MG para o setor solar em 2023
Ericka Araújo, journalism leader at Canal Solar, conducted an exclusive interview with Mariana Oliveira, director of Energy for the state of Minas Gerais. Photo: Canal Solar

According to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), Minas Gerais leads the ranking state of installed power in photovoltaic DG (distributed generation) with 2.1 GW.

“The state’s leadership is the result of public policies and tax incentives that the government has created to promote the solar energy market”. This is the assessment of Kathleen Garcia, assistant secretary who participated in the Expo GD (Brazilian Distributed Generation Fair).

Those who were also present at the event were Mariana Oliveira, Director of Energy for the state of Minas Gerais. In an exclusive interview with Solar Channel, she commented on the government plans for the sector next year and the importance of a fair like this for attracting investment in the state.

How is the state government promoting the promotion of the solar energy market, both distributed and centralized, in the territory of Minas Gerais?

The government of Minas today has a strategic project called Sol de Minas. When we call a project strategic it means that it has a direct connection with the governor. So, it is a priority for our government today to work on solar energy policy.

Within Sol de Minas, we work on several aspects so that we can improve the business environment and attract investments to Minas Gerais. Therefore, it is no surprise that today we are in first place in solar generation and distributed generation.

Among the policies we are working on in the project, we have tax incentives that were extended until 2032 and the simplification of environmental licensing for energy projects.

In addition, we have other issues such as training municipal managers so that they can improve this business environment within municipalities, as well as various ways to attract businesses to Minas and, thus, generate jobs and income in the photovoltaic energy segment.

How is the Minas Gerais government planning with these public policies and incentive policies for 2023?

For 2023 we continue with Sol de Minas, and the idea is that we expand this. It is also worth highlighting that we are thinking about the issue of infrastructure. Today, CEMIG (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais) will invest approximately R$ 22.5 billion in infrastructure, which will help us make connections on the lines, at the stations.

We also see that Minas Gerais was privileged in the ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) auctions, so we will have several constructions here in the coming years. The idea is this: to continue bringing priority to the renewable energy sector.

After all, Minas was the first subnational state to sign the Race to Zero. So, it is our commitment to eliminate these emissions by 2050, and we believe that energy has a big role in this objective, in this goal.

How do you see events like this Expo GD, CBGD (Brazilian Congress of Distributed Generation), for the development of the solar energy market?

I think it's wonderful. The fact that it happens in Minas Gerais shows this privilege we have. It is a very significant opportunity to do business. For those who don't know Minas yet, this is a chance to understand how we have been working and how the government is open to attracting investment and welcoming new entrepreneurs. Therefore, the event is very important for the sector.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.
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