Solar and wind plants represent 87.6% of capacity added in the year

In total, 44 wind plants (1.5 GW) and 23 solar plants (920 MW) came into operation in the first quarter.
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Electrical matrix totals 191,323.9 MW of power inspected until March 31st. Photo: Pixabay

Brazil recorded an expansion of 2,746.5 MW in the electrical matrix in the first quarter – double the growth seen in the same period in 2022. Solar and wind plants together represented 87.6% of capacity added in the year. The numbers refer to centralized generation, that is, they do not consider distributed generation.

Until March 31, ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) registered the entry into commercial operation of 82 plants, 44 of which were wind (1,485 MW), 23 solar photovoltaic (920.2 MW), 10 thermoelectric plants (278.1 MW) , four small hydroelectric plants (59.8 MW) and one hydroelectric generating plant (3.4 MW).

Considering only the month of March, the expansion in the matrix was 708.4 MW concentrated in 28 plants, 17 of which were wind (338.5 MW), eight solar photovoltaic plants (340.3 MW), two small hydroelectric plants (21.3 MW) and a thermoelectric plant (8.3 MW).

According to ANEEL, the plants that started operating this year are located in 13 states in four Brazilian regions. In descending order, the highest results to date are the states of Minas Gerais (827.7 MW), Rio Grande do Norte (666.4), Bahia (501.6 MW) and Piauí (276.4 MW).

In terms of the month of March alone, Minas Gerais achieved the biggest jump, with 333.7 MW coming into operation from the AC IX Photovoltaic Generating Center.

Capacity installed

Brazil had 191,323.9 MW of inspected power until March 31, according to data from ANEEL's Generation Information System, SIGA, updated daily with data from plants in operation and projects granted in the construction phase. Of this total in operation, according to SIGA, 83.6% of the plants are considered renewable.

No total, entraram em operação no primeiro trimestre 44 usinas eólicas (1,5 GW) e 23 solares (920 MW)
Expansion of the Brazilian electrical matrix in March 2023. Source: ANEEL
Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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