By court decision, Cemig is obliged to resume analysis of DG connections

The collective writ of mandamus was filed by ABSOLAR; the injunction was granted last Wednesday (31)
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Company claims that it needs to consult the ONS to make new connections. Photo: Agência Minas Gerais

The head judge of the 10th Federal Court of Belo Horizonte, Guilherme Mendonça Doehler, granted injunction in favor of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Solar Energy Association) determining that the Cemig dealership resumes The analysis of budget requests for connecting distributed microgeneration in the State.

The company had suspended the analysis of the opinions under the pretext of the need to consult the ONS (National System Operator), a measure considered illegal by the association.

O Collective Writ of Mandamus he was filed on May 22 and the injunction was granted nine days later. The court ordered the company to immediately resume processing requests for microgeneration access and issue a statement informing interested parties about the resumption of the analysis, noting the new deadline for preparing a connection budget, within a period of no more than 60 days.

“The preliminary decision obtained in the Collective Writ of Mandamus against Cemig is an important victory for the photovoltaic solar sector, and will enable the resumption of distributed microgeneration connections in the state of Minas Gerais, ensuring the continuity of the economic activity of companies operating in the segment”, said ABSOLAR in a statement to members.

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Cemig announces adjustment of up to 15,55% in the electricity bill
It will not be possible to meet all demand in the DG market, says Cemig
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As highlighted by the judge in his decision, the preliminary injunction proved necessary, “as the unreasonable delay compromises the viability of the enterprise and puts at risk the survival of companies that were set up to operate in the electrical energy generation sector, with no justification for those replaced by the petitioner remain in this situation indefinitely.”

How the Solar Channel has been reporting, Cemig has been claiming an exhaustion in its network and therefore it will not be possible to meet all the demand in the distributed generation market.

The Government of Minas Gerais itself released a statement informing that there were regions in the State where the electrical grid does not have the technical capacity to receive new connections from distributed minigeneration photovoltaic projects (between 75 kW and 5 MW of installed power).

The lack of energy injection capacity in the Cemig network is worrying integrators of solar energy in the region. This is because, without a definition of when the flow capacity of Cemig's substations will be normalized, integrators are unable to provide their clients with an expectation of when their projects can be installed.

In the end, what is happening is that the majority of consumers interested in technology end up not closing the deal, causing losses that compromise the continuity of companies in the sector.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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