Why do we trust the Brazilian photovoltaic market so much?

Ecori Professional Certification and the EcoriPlus platform reinforce the mission of contributing to more professionalization in the sector
19-08-22-canal-solar-Por que confiamos tanto no mercado brasileiro
Ecori aims to provide quality technical knowledge and training on the photovoltaic market. Photo: Disclosure/Ecori

One of the various meanings of the word trust is related to the feeling of respect, harmony and understanding, the “climate of trust” – very present in our photovoltaic market at the moment.

We have felt this climate throughout Brazil, in the many training sessions and roadshows we are carrying out: from the end of April until now, we have been to 24 cities in 13 states. We trained 1,654 people in just over three months. We remain steadfast in our mission to bring quality technical knowledge and training on the photovoltaic solar energy market to a greater number of resellers.

At Ecori, our confidence in the expansion of the national market reinforces the need to increase the professionalization of the sector as a whole. It's not new that we hit this button and that's why we're investing even more in training professionals.

The Ecori Professional Certification, launched to differentiate and recognize qualified integrators, further highlights this truth. The Ecori Professional Certification test is administered by the Totum Institute, one of the main people certification bodies in the country.

Certification is also a competitive differentiator since, by using the seal in its proposals, the integrator will add even more credibility in the eyes of the consumer, proving its skills and qualifications.

We also promote direct benefits for those who become certified, with special commercial conditions such as free shipping, among others that will be launched soon. In addition, we are launching around 90 new videos on the free EcoriPlus platform, with technical, sales, management training, product presentations, among many other content. Dozens of classes with our experts in hours of great learning.

We believe so much in the importance of these trainings that we created at our stand at Intersolar a central space dedicated to short courses. We will be able to exchange experiences with our customers, also taking the opportunity to talk more closely with our team. Both Professional Certification and the use of the EcoriPlus platform reinforce our confidence in long-term relationships with our customers and also with our manufacturing partners, such as APsystems, SolarEdge and Huawei, among others.

We create an important bridge between the most disruptive in terms of technology and production and those who make contact with the final consumer, installing photovoltaic plants on thousands of roofs of homes, businesses and industries out there – reinforcing that feeling of someone who trusts something or someone, another of the meanings of trust.

Picture of Leandro Martins
Leandro Martins
President of Ecori Energia Solar, with extensive experience, reference in photovoltaic solar energy. Responsible for popularizing MLPE technology in Brazil, initially bringing the APsystems brand, and later, SolarEdge to the country. He has been operating in the international market since 1996 in various segments and has a degree in Foreign Trade from UNIBERO-SP.

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