Why is more professionalization healthy for the photovoltaic market?

The country is advancing in solar energy generation and has a great opportunity to expand its participation in the energy matrix
Por que mais profissionalização é saudável para o mercado fotovoltaico

In August, the photovoltaic energy market surpassed yet another important milestone: it surpassed 10 gigawatts of installed solar generation capacity, which includes large plants and also small and medium-sized systems installed in homes and businesses, on roofs, facades and land, according to ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association).

Without a doubt, it is an important milestone for the country. Of the total, around 65% of energy comes from distributed generation. There are more than 600 thousand units with their own generation of photovoltaic solar energy.

The numbers prove that the sector has enormous development potential and a unique opportunity for expansion to increase the share of photovoltaic solar energy in the national energy matrix – a renewable and lower-cost source, especially if we compare it to polluting matrices such as thermoelectric plants used in moments of water scarcity like the current one.

With this horizon ahead, we need, more than ever, to have the responsibility to encourage professionalization as the market gains more maturity. Since 2012, also according to Absolar, the sector has generated more than 300 thousand jobs. It's a victory in an economy that was already suffering even before the Covid-19 pandemic emerged.

At Ecori, we reinforce our ongoing training actions with courses, lives and certification. We believe that qualified professionals are better prepared for all stages, from design to installation of photovoltaic kits, acting with more knowledge and safety.

The professionalization of the sector is also very healthy to reduce the possibilities of occurrences. International markets such as Italy and France faced problems a decade after distributed generation began to be installed there.

Here we have not yet reached a possible peak in occurrences, but if (or when) we do, the consequences will be bad for everyone. Together, we can make the market much more robust and ready for accelerated growth ahead.

The 10 GW mark already positions Brazil among the 15 countries with the largest installed solar generation capacity. There is still a long way to go before we get close to China (253.8 GW), the United States (73.8 GW) or Japan (68.6 GW).

Without a doubt, we can be inspired by the high standards of professionalization in these countries. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I hope that soon we can only sell products to certified companies. I am sure that when we reach this point we will have reached another level of maturity.

Picture of Leandro Martins
Leandro Martins
President of Ecori Energia Solar, with extensive experience, reference in photovoltaic solar energy. Responsible for popularizing MLPE technology in Brazil, initially bringing the APsystems brand, and later, SolarEdge to the country. He has been operating in the international market since 1996 in various segments and has a degree in Foreign Trade from UNIBERO-SP.

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