Port of Suape adheres to the use of photovoltaic solar energy

Energy used by the port will be generated at the Tacaratu solar park (PE)
Porto de Saupe adere ao uso de energia solar fotovoltaica

The Suape Port Industrial Complex in Ipojuca (PE) announced the adoption of the use of solar energy for the activities of the administrative building and four other areas of the port. With the use of the photovoltaic source, a reduction of 15% in the monthly financial cost is expected.

“The clean energy market is on the rise around the world. The tendency is to adopt measures that do not pollute the environment and that increasingly encourage businesses that promote sustainability in the world”, he stated. Roberto Gusmão, CEO of Saupe. 

According to Gusmão, the adoption of renewable energy, in addition to cost reduction, will also contribute to increasing competitiveness and attracting national and international investors to the company.  

The energy used by the port will be generated in the Tacaratu (PE) solar park. According to Carlos André Cavalcanti, director of Environment and Sustainability at Saupe, the consumption of the five units is equivalent to 1.41 GWh/year.

“It is about conserving our green heritage, encouraging the industrial chain of this type of business, in a way that is aligned with our actions and projects aimed at the sustainability of the territory”, added Cavalcanti.

The project is the result of the Sustainable PE program, administered by ADDiper (Pernambuco Economic Development Agency) and created by the State Government. The program makes it possible to trade solar energy in the Free Energy Market purchased in the auction held in 2013. 

Furthermore, the initiative will contribute to increasing the IDA (Environmental Performance Index), responsible for monitoring the performance of the public port sector. Currently, the Port of Suape occupies the 8th position, in total there are 31 monitored berths.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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