After-sales: strategic channel in the relationship between company and customer

After-sales is essential to maintain customer service, generate loyalty and increase brand credibility
4 minute(s) of reading
Pós-venda canal estratégico na relação entre empresa e cliente

A good relationship is essential in any exchange between company and customer. There are those who (still) think that this relationship ends when the sale of a product or service is completed. 

But this is very far from happening when we talk about durable goods and long-term service provision. 

For them, post-sales, which is the stage that begins immediately after purchasing a specific product or service, is as important as the sale itself, in addition to being a strategic channel in this relationship.

When we think, for example, about the automobile sector, when purchasing a car, the dealership often offers us the first free inspection or a percentage discount to return after driving 10 thousand kilometers. 

It may seem like this review discount is a gift to encourage sales, but in essence it is a strategy to maintain service provision and customer relationships, in addition to adding more value to the product.

And this dynamic is no different in the photovoltaic solar energy market. After all, the moment of purchase is very important, but post-sales work is essential to maintain customer service, generate loyalty and increase brand credibility.

In the case of Ecori Energia Solar, which sells products that last more than 25 years, the role of after-sales is strategic and necessary to keep the customer satisfied, especially in supporting our reseller customers so that they can ensure that the installations are carried out correctly for their end customers. 

Furthermore, good after-sales, combined with consumer education through training, helps to reduce possible maintenance liabilities and ensure that the systems are working over time.

After-sales is also essential for the reseller, as the photovoltaic generator is a long-lasting product, after-sales is a direct channel to maintain contact, provide services and maintain the customer. 

In addition to being a way to make an additional sale that adds value to the sale he has already made previously, for example, panel cleaning services, annual reviews and monitoring follow-up.

To carry out strategic monitoring in the performance management of photovoltaic systems, allowing greater predictability and speed in diagnosing and correcting possible failures, Ecori has in its portfolio of solutions a line of APsystems monitoring units offered to the Brazilian market, currently composed of by the Power Communication Units, known as ECU-B, ECU-R and ECU-C.

These APsystems Energy Communication Units are fundamental in this monitoring, as they collect data from the microinverters, allowing the after-sales team and the technical department to know what is happening in a given system, remotely. 

The use of ECUs in plant management leads to gains on all scales. For the customer, the advantage is having access to all the information, knowing how much they are generating and being able to monitor their entire system. 

For the dealer, ECUs make it possible to visualize how much customers are generating, their level of satisfaction and identify the need to carry out corrective maintenance or cleaning. And for Ecori, because through this equipment it is possible to identify problems, speed up support issues, carry out updates, change parameters, all remotely, optimizing time and travel.

Ecori is a cutting-edge company in the photovoltaic solar energy sector and has always treated after-sales as a priority. Perhaps that is why today the after-sales department is recognized as one of the best on the market. 

This recognition is the result of the team's capacity, the team's technical level and the availability of service, which includes night shifts and weekends, always valuing customer service and support.

Picture of Arthur Santini
Arthur Santini
Director of Ecori Energia Solar. Regional Director of the QuiloWatt do Bem project in the Northwest of São Paulo, certified professor at Fundação Getulio Vargas and MBA professor at other institutions. He worked in auditing for KPMG and had other leadership and consultancy roles in São Paulo, Campinas and São José do Rio Preto. He is an author in the area of technology, with a book published by Editora LCM – Ciência Moderna, in Rio de Janeiro.

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