Prices of wafers, cells and modules fall again in the international market

First InfoLink Consulting bulletin in May pointed out widespread drops in the price of inputs and components
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Preço de wafers, células e módulos têm nova queda no mercado internacional
Prices of inputs and components have fallen in general since the end of last month. Photo: Freepik/Reproduction

Following the trend next since the month of March, the selling price of wafers, cells It is modules photovoltaics keep falling in the international market. 

That's what it says InfoLink Consulting, who published his weekly newsletter for the first time since the week of the day April 24th, due to the Labor Day holiday on May 1st.

According to the consultancy, the 182 mm Type-P wafers were the ones that recorded the biggest falls: around 6.3% in relation to the bulletin on April 24th. The price fell from US$ 0.205 for US$ 0.192 in the period.

In relation to 210 mm Type-P wafers, fall It was also significant: from US$ 0.262 to US$ 0.249, which represented a reduction of around 5% in its price. 

"Despite the excess demand, which has led to this reduction, the planning of wafer production remained next what was the month Of april, around 66 GW”, highlights Infolink Consulting.  


Another component that suffered a fluctuation in its price were photovoltaic cells. In markets outside of China, 182mm P-type cells have been reduced in price by 8.3%, from US$ 0.048 to US$ 0.044/W. 

At the same time, N-type cells fluctuated 11.7%, from US$ 0.06 to US$ 0.053. “Production plans for the month of May are 68 GW, with Type-N technology dominating with an increase in market share from 68% to 72%”, highlights the bulletin. 


The report also indicates that the prices of PERC technology photovoltaic modules have fallen by around 4.3% since April 24, going from being sold at US$ 0.115 to being sold at US$ 0.11/W on the international market. 

For next week, the consultancy estimates that the price of the technology will register a drop of around 3%. “The TOPCon modules varied a lot from region to region. In Australia, Europe, USA, Brazil and the Middle East they ranged from US$ 0.11/W to US$ 0.13/W”, informs the bulletin. 


The price of inputs in China is another that continues to fall. This week, granular polysilicon had an average sales value of around 41 RMB (Yuan), around US$ 5.67. Meanwhile, its chunk value is at RMB 44, just over US$ 6.00.

With this update, the selling cost is falling to levels equal to manufacturing costs. As a result, producers are becoming concerned that prices below US$ 5.54 will disrupt operations.

Some manufacturers are already working with the possibility of stoppages and production cuts. The consultancy indicates that the input inventory should grow in the second and third quarters, increasing sales pressure.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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