Prices remain stable with the arrival of Chinese New Year

InfoLink Consulting bulletin indicates continued stability in the international market
Boletim InfoLink: Preços se mantêm estáveis com a chegada do Ano-novo Chinês
Photo: Envato

O weekly newsletter about the prices in the photovoltaic market produced by InfoLink Consulting was released this Thursday (8). How has it been mark of this year so far, prices on the international market remained stable last week.

Names of January, The main change was a drop of around 6.25% in the value of HJT modules. February, however, starts without changes, both for HJT technology and PERC technology. There were also no fluctuations in the value of wafers and cells in the Chinese and international markets.

Due to Chinese New Year, which begins on Saturday, February 10th, next week there will be no publication of the bulletin. However, forecasts do not indicate immediate fluctuations in input prices.


Due to the holiday, producers accepted fewer orders this week.

In fact, some of them have increased the manufacturing pause time to 10 to 15 days, which will mean that global production will be 2 to 3 GW lower in February than the 38 GW initially expected. 

Even after the holiday, module prices should continue to work at a lower price range.


Monthly polysilicon production is expected to reach 73 to 74 GW in February, a drop of 3% compared to the previous month. This decrease was due to fewer working days in the month and producers increasing production capacity and quality. 

In general, production capacity remains stable, except for some second-tier producers. During the Chinese New Year period, ingot manufacturers will maintain the utilization rate, which results in a high demand for the input. 

In the Chinese market, there was a small increase in values. Around 3% for the polysilicon in pieces, with the kg being sold at 68 RMB (Yuan), while the granulated one selling for 61 RMB, an increase of 1.7%.


Cell manufacturers plan to stop, or at least reduce production during the Chinese holiday.

Even with a significant reduction in production, the price of cells should remain constant and could rise after the holiday depending on how the cuts are made. 

Still, when and how fast the price increase will be after this period is uncertain, depending on the affordability of the module sector.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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