Salvador City Hall (BA) launches solar energy incentive program

The objective is to guarantee discounts of 5%, 7% and 10% depending on the amount of energy produced
Prefeitura de Salvador (BA) lança programa de incentivo à energia solar

With the aim of accelerating the generation of solar energy in the city, the city of Salvador (BA) launched the Salvador Solar program this Wednesday (27). 

The project encourages the use of photovoltaic sources through tax incentives for residential or commercial properties that implement a solar energy system.

Currently, Salvador occupies the 36th position in the Brazilian municipal ranking of its own generation of solar energy on roofs and small plots of land, with approximately 22.3 MW in installed power, distributed across 2,500 systems, according to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency).

According to the city hall, the program will gradually guarantee discounts of 5%, 7% and 10% depending on the amount of energy produced. The initiative also updates decrees relating to Yellow IPTU, and rewards consumers according to their energy generation potential.

“This makes it easier for everyone who wants to install the system. The Law was restricted to residences. Today, we are expanding to all types of properties, both commercial and various projects”, highlighted Bruno Reis, mayor of Salvador.

Furthermore, Reis stated that a discount of 60% will be granted on the ISS (Tax on Services of Any Nature) for the solar panel installation service, going from 5% to 2%.

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“Also to encourage new projects to arrive in Salvador using the system, we will have a discount of 10% on the grant, aiming to increase the construction potential”, he explained.

“This, added to the reduction of 50% in the onerous grant, approved by the Chamber and which should be regulated on Thursday (28), the benefits for new constructions could reach 60% with the implementation of photovoltaic energy”, he concluded. 

According to the city hall, the program's goal is to increase the use of renewable sources by 50% by 2024, in addition to generating jobs and new businesses in the photovoltaic market.

The program was presented at the headquarters of Secis (Municipal Sustainability and Resilience Secretariat). In addition to the city's mayor, the following were present at the event: Edna França, head of Secis, Giovanna Victer, head of the Finance Secretariat, Rodrigo Sauaia, executive president of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) and other managers.

“ABSOLAR is optimistic about the Salvador Solar Program. The source is a strategic tool to accelerate the city's development, with more investments, jobs and income, in line with sustainability goals”, highlighted Sauaia.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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