Rio de Janeiro City Hall joins the free energy market

Goal is to save R$ 30 million in five years; new tender will contract energy for another 20 health units
Photo: Disclosure

The headquarters of Rio de Janeiro City Hall (RJ) now has its electrical energy supplied by the free market. In five years, the forecast is that the municipality save R$ 30 million, in addition to avoiding the emission of 40 thousand tons of CO2.

The supply contract was signed with 2W Ecobank, through bidding, in the retail modality. 76 thousand MWh were contracted from renewable sources.

The project of migration to the free market is part of Rio City Hall Energy Efficiency Program.

“Everyone benefits from this project: the municipality, which saves money by opening up more options for purchasing energy; citizens, who will see the best use of their money paid in taxes; and the environment, with the adoption of clean and renewable energy”, said the Secretary of Finance and Planning, Andrea Senko.

The next step is to enable the supply of 20 municipal health units. To this end, the Finance Department launched on Monday (4) the notice for bidding to purchase direct green energy from generators, for a period of 60 months, to supply units such as hospitals Miguel Couto, Albert Schweitzer, Rocha Faria, Lourenço Jorge, and Pedro II.

“As project managers, our intention is to expand this energy acquisition model beyond the City Hall headquarters. In the 20 health equipment, we have an estimated savings of R$ 115 million, in five years, and 74 thousand tons of Greenhouse Gases avoided”, highlighted the Undersecretary of People and Shared Management, Roberta Guimarães.

“At the Rio Operations Center (COR), an emblematic facility in the city, we will save, in five years, approximately R$ 5.5 million and avoid the emission of 8 thousand tons of GHG”, he concluded.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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