Main news from the 2023 Electro Graphics Series

Company brings updates to SOLergo and Ampère, iDEA, Eplus and CADelet software
Principais novidades da Série 2023 da Electro Graphics
The new version brings updates regarding Law 14,300/2022 and ABNT NBR 16612. Photo: SOlergo

A Electro Graphics this week made the 2023 Series of its software for electrical and photovoltaic projects available.

The solutions offer everything from electrical diagrams, automation, installation layout, calculation reports, lists of materials and economic analysis. Canal Solar lists the main updates below.

SOLergo 2023

The new version brings updates regarding the Law 14,300/2022 and ABNT NBR 16612, in addition to bringing new features in obstacle management. See the details.

Law 14,300/2022

Following the changes in the DG Legal Framework (distributed generation), SOLergo 2023 calculates the “Compensation Cost” obtained through Fio B, which focuses on the compensated energy of generators up to 500 kW, in accordance with the rules of transition.

Furthermore, for generators above 500 kW, in addition to charging for Wire B, it is also expected to charge 40% for Wire A and 100% for charges.

3D Layout

Another new feature of the new version of the SOLergo software is that the software provides users with new obstacles for 3D modeling of the photovoltaic system, such as trees and antennas.

Obstacles can be inserted directly from the 3D Layout interface via the command bar, where the user can select basic obstacle elements such as bush, tree and satellite dish. Furthermore, it is possible to define the positioning point, height and width of each obstacle.

These obstacles contribute, together with other 3D obstacles, to the relief of the panorama and to the analysis and projection of shading over the location.

New ABNT NBR 16612 regulation

SOLergo 2023 makes it possible to carry out cable sizing according to the ABNT NBR 16612 standard, which specifies the minimum requirements for the qualification and acceptance of single flexible conductor cables for use in direct current in photovoltaic energy installations, with maximum direct voltage at direct current of 1.8 kV between conductors and between conductors and earth.

Ampere 2023

The main software updates deal with the possibility of analyzing Arc Flash and analyzing the flow of currents that feed a fault. Version 2023 also allows cables to be sized in accordance with the ABNT NBR 16612 standard.

Arc Flash Review

The 2023 Series has further expanded the range of calculations offered by the Ampère software. Now, the user can perform Arc Flash analysis according to the calculations provided by the IEEE 1584-2018 standard, in order to determine the incident energy (E) and the arc flash limit (AFB) as defined by the NFPA 70E standard .

With the new functionality, the user can also generate a report with the results of the calculations, mainly to obtain electrical arc danger warning signs for fixing in risky locations. Templates can also be customized.

The new version also has a new protection database, also managing protections with AFDD characteristics, which aim to intervene in electrical arc faults, disconnecting the circuit when the fault is detected.

Fault analysis with ANSI 67 protection

In the Ampère software, the designer can analyze the flow of currents that feed a fault, allowing the study of the directions and magnitudes involved, considering the contribution of faults from motors, storage systems, generators, such as photovoltaic, among others.

In version 2023, the ANSI 67 function (directional phase overcurrent relay) was implemented, which allows the designer to analyze the behavior of the protection following various types of fault and adjust the protection by acting on the direction settings, characteristic angle and trip logic.

At the end of the analysis, the user can extract the study of directional protections 67 in a PDF file.

New ABNT NBR 16612 regulation

With the Ampère 2023 software it is also possible to dimension cables in accordance with the ABNT NBR 16612 standard.

CAD line

Version 2023 brings important updates to the CADs line. Check out the details below.

New Autocad OEM Engine 2023

The iDEA and Eplus 2023 Series Electrical CADs utilize the new Autodesk AutoCAD OEM 2023 64-bit engine. This new engine allowed the introduction of a new mobile drawing window, with the advantages of viewing several drawing files simultaneously, without having to switch from one tab to another.

Furthermore, it also offers the possibility of exporting one more drawing file to another monitor. The new version also offers quick access to the network route, configuration parameters for the current design and graphical environment preferences.

Automatic wire connection

The 2023 Series of Electrical CADs from Electro Graphics offers users a new auto-connect function that makes it easier to connect a symbol to electrical lines during the sheet insertion phase.

The function is started after selecting a symbol from the library, which automatically recognizes the presence of electrical lines and symbols present on the sheet, and proposes a connection considering the number of pins the symbol has and its positioning on the sheet.

The wires to be connected take on the same characteristics as the existing lines on the sheet, such as section, color, characteristic, etc. The automatic connection function can be activated and deactivated at any time by the user.

Importing annotations generated in the PDF into the project

The CADs 2023 line allows you to import annotations created in PDF files into the project under analysis. The function imports the PDF, all information contained in sticky notes, text boxes, highlights, rectangular objects, circles, etc.

When importing, electrical CADs organize the annotations in marker format, displayed on the project sheets according to the annotations defined in the PDF.

The new function is useful for sharing information between the designer and the installer, who normally only has the PDF file, where notes on improvements and corrections are made, thus allowing the designer to identify and speed up the editing and/or updating process from the project.


The 2023 Series of Electro Graphics software also manages new interface style formats with the possibility of using the dark theme.

This last possibility offers a good solution to guarantee readability, even in low-light working environments, in addition to reducing eye strain for those who spend many hours working in front of the computer.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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