Producer invests in microgrid with solar and saves R$ 26 thousand monthly on diesel

Hybrid system, aimed at irrigation, is installed in the city of Baianópolis (BA); payback is 2 years and 9 months
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Owner is generating his own energy to produce two crops. Image: Genwatt/Disclosure

Report published in the 22nd edition of Canal Solar Magazine. Click here and download now for free!

To the hybrid solutions are gaining more and more space in strategy of the consumers, whether for economic or technical reasons. This name has been adopted for systems that have, for example, diesel generators associated with other sources such as photovoltaic and wind.

The combination solar and diesel is advantageous as it provides a trusted mode in isolated power supply without the intensive use of fossil fuel. In locations already served by generators, the addition of photovoltaic systems operating in parallelism has the effect of reduce the cost with fuel, in addition to adding reliability and reinforcing the power supply autonomy of consumer loads.

Such projects are already a reality on any scale, from microgeneration to centralized generation. Among the many consumers who are investing in this solution is rural producer Henrique Reges de Carvalho, which connected a hybrid system, located in your farm in the municipality of Baianópolis (BA), in February this year.

The enterprise – which has the Fortlev Solar as a distributor of the equipment and JA Solar as a supplier of modules – is aimed at irrigation, integrating Photovoltaics It is diesel generators.

According to engineer Paulo Henrique Ferreira Campos, Director of Operations and owner of Genwatt Engineering, the integrator company responsible for the project, the end client invested in a hybrid solution due to some factors, the first was due to the scarcity in water in the region. “The client drilled three artesian wells and managed to access the aquifer. Each well has a flow rate of approximately 300,000 liters of water per hour.”

“The other problem was the lack in electricity. Wells were drilled, but there was no power from the utility company. Then, the need arose to place a most advantageous source, cheaper and more environmentally friendly”, he emphasized.

Faced with this scenario, the owner turned to the solar pumping to remove water from the well. “It is autonomous pumping, in which water is removed and thrown into a lagoon, using only solar panels.”

"In case of pivot, the autonomous system does not apply due to flow fluctuation. Therefore, the client placed the diesel generator to feed the pivots with hybrid photovoltaic energy in parallel to provide economy of diesel”, added Ferreira.

Project details

According to the engineer, first the water is pumped from the well to the artificial lagoon using an autonomous pumping system with 125 HP of power. The 200 HP pivot pump drains water from the pond to the pivots for irrigation. For this to happen, the photovoltaic source and the diesel generator act as the electrical grid and power the equipment.

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Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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